\name{SGD.SL} \alias{SGD.SL} \alias{SGD.SynRescue} \alias{SGD.SynGrowthDefect} \docType{data} \title{ Interaction data from the Saccharomyces Genome Database} \description{ The Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) provides, for download a table listing all known interactions in yeast. This table was downloaded on Jan 25, 2007 and three subsets were extracted. The synthetic lethal interactions, \code{SGD.SL}, the synthetic grow defect interactions, \code{SGD.SynGrowthDefect} and the synthetic rescue interactions, \code{SGD.SynRescue}. No other processing has been done. } \usage{ data(SGD.SL) data(SGD.SynRescue) data(SGD.SynGrowthDefect) } \format{ Each data set is a data frame with the following 7 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{V1}}{Factor, indicating the type of data.} \item{\code{V2}}{Factor describing the interaction, in particular naming bait and prey and interactors.} \item{\code{V3}}{Factor indicating whether the cells were viable.} \item{\code{V4}}{Factor which is always NA for these data.} \item{\code{V5}}{Factor naming the reference for the interaction.} \item{\code{V6}}{Factor with levels indicating the PubMed ID for the publication in V5.} \item{\code{V7}}{Factor with level \code{BioGRID}, probably indicating the source.} } } \details{ SGD says this about the file: \preformatted{ Contains interaction data. Tab-separated columns are: 1) interaction_type (mandatory) 2) genes involved and their mutation type, in the format: ORF (mutation_type, action), with multiples separated by a | 3) phenotype (optional, multiples separated by |) 4) description (optional) 5) citation (multiples separated by |) 6) PubMed ID (optional, multiples separated by |) This file is updated weekly. } } \author{Z. Jiang } \source{ The file can be downloaded from, \url{ftp://genome-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/yeast/literature_curation}. } \examples{ data(SGD.SL) } \keyword{datasets}