\name{precSelection} \alias{precSelection} \alias{precSelectionTable} \title{ Number of precursor selection events } \description{ \code{precSelection} computes the number of selection events each precursor ions has undergone in an tandem MS experiment. This will be a function of amount of peptide loaded, chromatography efficiency, exclusion time,... and is useful when optimising and experimental setup. This function returns a named integer vector or length equal to the number of unique precursor MZ values in the original experiment. See \code{n} parameter to set the number of MZ significant decimals. \code{precSelectionTable} is a wrapper around \code{precSelection} and returns a table with the number of single, 2-fold, ... selection events. } \usage{ precSelection(object,n) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ An instane of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnExp}"}. } \item{n}{ The number of decimal places to round the precursor MZ to. Is passed to the \link{round} function. } } \value{ A named integer in case of \code{precSelection} and a \code{table} for \code{precSelectionTable}. } \author{ Laurent Gatto } \examples{ precSelection(itraqdata) precSelection(itraqdata,n=2) precSelectionTable(itraqdata) ## only single selection event in this reduced exeriment }