\name{testForDEU} \alias{testForDEU} \title{Test for Differential Exon Usage.} \description{ This function tests for differential exon usage for each of the genes in the object. It stores the results in the fields \code{fData(ecs)$pvalue} and \code{fData(ecs)$padjust}. } \usage{ testForDEU(ecs, formula0=NULL, formula1=NULL, nCores=1, quiet=FALSE, file="") } \arguments{ \item{ecs}{ An ExonCountSet object. } \item{formula0}{ Formula for the null model to be used in the GLM fit. If no formula is given, the default \code{count ~ sample + exon + condition} is used. See below for details } \item{formula1}{ Formula for the full model to be used in the GLM fit. If no formula is given, the default \code{count ~ sample + exon + condition *I (exon==exonID)} is used. See below for details. } \item{nCores}{ Number of CPUcores to be used to estimate the dispersions. The \code{multicore} package must be loaded to use more than 1 core. } \item{quiet}{ If TRUE, no progress report is shown. In case the session is not an interactive session and progress report is wanted. Change the name of the file. } \item{file}{ A file name to write the progress reports. If file="", output will be written in the standard output connection. } } \details{ The terms in the formulas must be columns of \code{design(ecs)}. In addition, in \code{formula1}, the variable \code{exonID} is set to the ID of the currently tested exon counting bin. See \code{\link{testGeneForDEU}}, which is called for each gene, for further details. } \value{ An ExonCountSet object with \code{fData(ecs)$pvalue} and \code{fData(ecs)$padjust} data slots filled. } \examples{ \dontrun{ data("pasillaExons", package="pasilla") pasillaExons <- estimateSizeFactors( pasillaExons ) pasillaExons <- estimateDispersions( pasillaExons ) pasillaExons <- fitDispersionFunction( pasillaExons ) pasillaExons <- testForDEU( pasillaExons ) } } \seealso{ \code{estimateExonDispersionsForModelFrame} }