\name{newExonCountSet} \alias{newExonCountSet} \title{Creates an ExonCountSet object} \description{ This function creates an ExonCountSet object from a matrix or data.frame of read counts. } \usage{ newExonCountSet(countData, design, geneIDs, exonIDs, exonIntervals=NULL, transcripts=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{countData}{ A matrix or data frame of count data of non-negative integer values. The rows correspond to counts for each exon counting bin, the columns correspond to samples. Note that biological replicates should each get their own column, while the counts of technical replicates (i.e., several sequencing runs/lanes from the same sample) should be summed up into a single column.} \item{design}{ A factor or data frame with the design annotation (e.g. treatments, or tissue types, or phenotypes, or the like). The length of the factor (or rows in the data frame) has to be equal to the number of columns of the countData matrix, assigning a condition to each sample. If 'design' is not a factor, it will be converted to one. } \item{geneIDs}{ A vector of gene identificators ordered according to its respective row in countData. If the gene "x" has four exon counting bins and therefore four rows in countData, then "x" must be four times in the vector. If it is not a factor, it will be converted to one. } \item{exonIDs}{ A character vector of exon identifiers ordered according to the rows in countData. The identifiers names can be repeated between genes but not within genes. } \item{exonIntervals}{ A data frame with exon annotation information. The number of rows in the data needs to be of the same length as the number of rows in countData. The columns names must contain the values "chr", "start", "end", "strand". This information is only needed for the \code{plotDEXSeq} function, not for the actual tests. } \item{transcripts}{ A character vector of the same length as the rows of the count data containing, for each row in countData, a concatenation of transcript IDs separated by the character ";". This means that if an exon is contained in the transcripts "A", "B" and "C", the field of the row corresponding to that exon should contain "A;B;C". This information is only needed for the \code{plotDEXSeq} function, not for the actual tests. } } \value{ An object of class ExonCountSet. } \seealso{ \code{\link{read.HTSeqCounts}} } \examples{ data("pasillaExons", package="pasilla") ecs <- newExonCountSet( countData=counts(pasillaExons), design=design(pasillaExons), geneIDs=geneIDs(pasillaExons), exonIDs=exonIDs(pasillaExons)) } \keyword{ExonCountSet}