- use cases
- user interface concepts
- cluster analysis components
- primitive sensitivity analysis
- classifier components
- role of metapackages like caret/mlr/MLInterfaces
June 15, 2017
library(genefu); library(survival) data(nkis) map = as.character(annot.nkis$NCBI.gene.symbol) names(map) = as.character(annot.nkis$probe) ndata.nkis = data.nkis colnames(ndata.nkis) = map[colnames(data.nkis)] cbind(ndata.nkis[1:4,1:4], demo.nkis[1:4,5:8])
## ESR1 TBC1D9 GATA3 CA12 grade node size age ## NKI_123 0.195 -0.114 0.202 0.158 3 0 2.0 48 ## NKI_327 0.034 0.033 0.158 0.103 2 1 2.0 49 ## NKI_291 -0.417 0.140 0.006 -0.266 2 1 1.2 39 ## NKI_370 0.429 0.352 -0.050 0.236 1 1 1.8 51
nkSurv = Surv(demo.nkis$t.os, demo.nkis$e.os) odata = ndata.nkis[, intersect(as.character(sig.oncotypedx$symbol), colnames(ndata.nkis))] fullnk = cbind(demo.nkis, odata) coxph(nkSurv~er+age, data=fullnk)
## Call: ## coxph(formula = nkSurv ~ er + age, data = fullnk) ## ## coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p ## er -1.0018 0.3672 0.3425 -2.92 0.0034 ## age -0.0328 0.9677 0.0271 -1.21 0.2268 ## ## Likelihood ratio test=10.1 on 2 df, p=0.00657 ## n= 129, number of events= 36 ## (21 observations deleted due to missingness)
rfullnk = fullnk[,-c(1,2,3,9,10,11,12,13,14,17,18,19)] library(rpart); r1 = rpart(nkSurv~.,data=rfullnk) r1
## n=129 (21 observations deleted due to missingness) ## ## node), split, n, deviance, yval ## * denotes terminal node ## ## 1) root 129 146.652400 1.00000000 ## 2) BIRC5< -0.0365 85 62.712830 0.47436610 ## 4) BIRC5< -0.3975 32 1.801804 0.09909801 * ## 5) BIRC5>=-0.3975 53 52.568420 0.70984040 ## 10) BAG1< -0.219 14 1.660224 0.16988820 * ## 11) BAG1>=-0.219 39 44.603630 0.96814410 ## 22) GSTM1< 0.1565 30 22.464060 0.58792190 ## 44) MKI67>=-0.0655 19 8.070774 0.23294560 * ## 45) MKI67< -0.0655 11 7.582306 1.38868000 * ## 23) GSTM1>=0.1565 9 12.691410 2.77622500 * ## 3) BIRC5>=-0.0365 44 58.962600 2.35960200 ## 6) PGR>=-0.1625 17 16.872130 1.05016300 * ## 7) PGR< -0.1625 27 34.118410 3.40043200 ## 14) GSTM1< -0.1235 7 5.180967 1.32643500 * ## 15) GSTM1>=-0.1235 20 23.712420 4.39730500 *
CRAN package partykit enhances tree support in rpart and provides many additional models
## ## Attaching package: 'partykit'
## The following object is masked from 'package:IRanges': ## ## width
## The following object is masked from 'package:S4Vectors': ## ## width
## The following object is masked from 'package:BiocGenerics': ## ## width
p1p = as.party(prune(r1, cp=.05))
library(drosmap) # biocLite("vjcitn/drosmap") data(expressionPatterns) data(template); template=template[,-1] data(uniqueGenes) uex = expressionPatterns[,uniqueGenes] uex[1:5,1:5]
## pnr Abd.B lama Mkp3 fz2 ## 1 0.014123479 0.05531271 0.014584370 0.2086337 0.3759253 ## 2 0.009015973 0.01234864 0.014212999 0.3222693 0.5585198 ## 3 0.023047258 0.01486692 0.013431432 0.3599486 0.5329454 ## 4 0.013179102 0.03184486 0.005370888 0.2365888 0.2585371 ## 5 0.008820991 0.06811459 0.016528382 0.1136623 0.1034636
imageBatchDisplay(uex[,1:16], nrow=4, ncol=4, template=template)
## PhantomJS not found. You can install it with webshot::install_phantomjs(). If it is installed, please make sure the phantomjs executable can be found via the PATH variable.
Sam Buttrey and Lyn Whitaker's treeClust (R Journal article)