Use R / Bioconductor for Sequence Analysis

This package contains training material for a Winter, 2014 intermediate R / Bioconductor course “Use R / Bioconductor for Sequence Analysis”, offered February 4, Genentech, San Francisco, CA.

This course is directed at intermediate users wanting to make effective use of R and Bioconductor for the analysis and comprehension of high-throughput sequence data. The morning provides overall orientation to the packages and facilities available in Bioconductor, including and in-depth look at the central GenomicRanges infrastructure. The afternoon provides approaches to common challenges – working with large data, placing statistical results in biological context, and effectively and reliably communicating results with other team members.

The course combines lectures with extensive hands-on practicals; participants are required to bring a laptop with wireless internet access and a modern version of the Chrome or Safari web browser.

Schedule (tentative)

Use R / Bioconductor