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- 2014
- BioC 2014
BioC 2014
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA
2014-07-30 ~ 2014-08-01
This conference highlights current developments within and beyond Bioconductor. Morning scientific talks and afternoon practicals provide conference participants with insights and tools required for the analysis and comprehension of high-throughput genomic data. This year's conference is at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Longwood Campus, in Boston, MA. Visit the Conference Registration Page for more information.
Developer Day
Project Status
- pdf Introduction - Martin Morgan
- pdf Web site, videos, GenomeInfoDb - Sonali Arora
- html BiocCheck, html BioC AMI + StarCluster, html Subversion Server upgrade - Dan Tenenbaum
- pdf Shiny-phyloseq: Web Application for Interactive Microbiome Analysis with Provenance Tracking – Paul Joey McMurdie
- html Debugging R Code.
Morning Talks
- pptx Mapping cellular hierarchy through single cell analysis – Guocheng Yuan
- pptx Analysis of somatic alterations in the cancer genome – Matthew Meyerson
- pdf Software for Enabling Genomic Data Analysis – Michael Lawrence
- pdf Analysis of small molecule molecular data in R – Kevin Horan
- pdf Flexible analysis of RNA-seq data with Ballgown, Alyssa Frazee
- presentation Epiviz(r): turning a genome browser into an interactive display device – Hector Corrada Bravo
Afternoon Labs
Thursday 1:00 - 2:50
- pdf (slides), pdf R (lab) R / Bioconductor for everyone – Martin Morgan
- html | Rmd | R Practical and html | Rmd | R Tutorial, Introduction to Flow Cytometry Data Analysis using OpenCyto and BioConductor – Greg Finak
- pdf | Rnw | R | data file Analysis of 450k methylation data with the minfi package – Kasper Hansen
pdf R Data file - pdf Visualisation and assessment of ChIP-seq quality using ChIPQC and Diffbind packages – Tom Carroll
Thursday 3:10 - 5:00
- pdf Learn how to use Bioconductor to perform common tasks on your high-throughput sequencing data – Hervé Pagès
- pdf | html | md Differential gene- and exon-level expression analyses for RNA-seq data using edgeR, voom and featureCounts – Mark Robinson
- html | Rmd | R Genetics of gene expression: computation and integrative prediction – Vincent Carey
- html | Rmd | R R / Bioconductor packages for Proteomics – Laurent Gatto
Rpres R Meta-analysis of genomics experiments using Bioconductor – Levi Waldron
Friday 1:00 - 2:50
- pdf | Rnw | R Analysis of RNA-Seq using the DESeq2 package – Michael Love. Data files: Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.subset.gtf.gz sampleTable.csv
- pdf | html | Rmd | R CRISPRseek: Design of target-specific guide RNAs in CRISPR-Cas9 genome-editing systems – Julie Zhu
html Rmd R PDF - background zip - references zip - figures Integrated pathway analysis of multiple ‘omics datasets Aedin Culhane -
Annotation Workflow AnnotationHub vignette Bioconductor annotations: using and sharing resources – Marc Carlson
Friday 3:10 - 5:00