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On other operating systems, type a command like: <pre> install.packages(repos="file:///path/to/copied/folder") </pre> select all available files in the resulting pop-up window, and click OK.</li> </ol> <p>If you have problems, let one of the course instructors know.</p> </div> <div class="discussion"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of main content block --> <!-- start of the left (by default at least) column --> <div id="portal-column-one"> <div class="visualPadding"> <br><br><br> <!-- disabled left slot image <img tal:replace="structure nocall:here/pict.jpg" /> --> <div class="portlet" id="portlet-navigation-tree"> <div> <h5>Navigation</h5> <div class="portletBody"> <div class="portletContent odd"> <a href="../../../GettingStarted/index.html" accesskey="n" class="navItem navLevel1" title=""> <!-- Disable Folder icon <img src="" height="16" width="16" alt="" class="navIcon" tal:condition="not:isAnon" tal:attributes="src python:portal_url+'/'+sibling.getIcon(1); title sibling/Type;" /> --> <span class="navItemText">Getting Started</span> </a> <a href="../../../overview/index.html" accesskey="n" class="navItem navLevel1" title=""> <!-- Disable Folder icon <img src="" height="16" width="16" alt="" class="navIcon" tal:condition="not:isAnon" tal:attributes="src python:portal_url+'/'+sibling.getIcon(1); title sibling/Type;" /> --> <span class="navItemText">Overview</span> </a> <a href="../../../download/index.html" accesskey="n" class="navItem navLevel1" title=""> <!-- Disable Folder icon <img src="" height="16" width="16" alt="" class="navIcon" tal:condition="not:isAnon" tal:attributes="src python:portal_url+'/'+sibling.getIcon(1); title sibling/Type;" /> --> <span class="navItemText">Downloads</span> </a> <a href="../../../docs/index.html" accesskey="n" class="navItem navLevel1" title=""> <!-- Disable Folder icon <img src="" height="16" width="16" alt="" class="navIcon" tal:condition="not:isAnon" tal:attributes="src python:portal_url+'/'+sibling.getIcon(1); title sibling/Type;" /> --> <span class="navItemText">Documentation</span> </a> <a href="../../../pub/index.html" accesskey="n" class="navItem navLevel1" title=""> <!-- Disable Folder icon <img src="" height="16" width="16" alt="" class="navIcon" tal:condition="not:isAnon" tal:attributes="src python:portal_url+'/'+sibling.getIcon(1); title sibling/Type;" /> --> <span class="navItemText">Publications</span> </a> <a href="../../index.html" accesskey="n" class="navItem navLevel1" title=""> <!-- Disable Folder icon <img src="" height="16" width="16" alt="" class="navIcon" tal:condition="not:isAnon" tal:attributes="src python:portal_url+'/'+sibling.getIcon(1); title sibling/Type;" /> --> <span class="navItemText">Workshops</span> </a> <a href="../../2010/index.html" accesskey="n" class="navItem navLevel2" title=""> <!-- Disable Folder icon <img src="" height="16" width="16" alt="" class="navIcon" tal:condition="not:isAnon" tal:attributes="src python:portal_url+'/'+sibling.getIcon(1); title sibling/Type;" /> --> <span class="navItemText">2010</span> </a> <a href="../index.html" accesskey="n" class="navItem navLevel2" title=""> <!-- Disable Folder icon <img src="" height="16" width="16" alt="" class="navIcon" tal:condition="not:isAnon" tal:attributes="src python:portal_url+'/'+sibling.getIcon(1); title sibling/Type;" /> --> <span class="navItemText">2009</span> </a> <a href="index.html" accesskey="n" class="navItem navLevel3 currentNavItem" title="This course introduces R and Bioconductor tools for analysis of high-throughput genomic data. Course participants should follow the instructions in the 'Getting Started' document, below."> <!-- Disable Folder icon <img src="" height="16" width="16" alt="" class="navIcon" tal:condition="not:isAnon" tal:attributes="src python:portal_url+'/'+sibling.getIcon(1); title sibling/Type;" /> --> <span class="navItemText">Introduction to R and Bioconductor</span> </a> <a href="../../2008/index.html" accesskey="n" class="navItem navLevel2" title=""> <!-- Disable Folder icon <img src="" height="16" width="16" alt="" class="navIcon" tal:condition="not:isAnon" tal:attributes="src python:portal_url+'/'+sibling.getIcon(1); title sibling/Type;" /> --> <span class="navItemText">2008</span> </a> <a href="../../2007/index.html" accesskey="n" class="navItem navLevel2" title=""> <!-- Disable Folder icon <img src="" height="16" width="16" alt="" class="navIcon" tal:condition="not:isAnon" tal:attributes="src python:portal_url+'/'+sibling.getIcon(1); title sibling/Type;" /> --> <span class="navItemText">2007</span> </a> <a href="../../2006/index.html" accesskey="n" class="navItem navLevel2" title=""> <!-- Disable Folder icon <img src="" height="16" width="16" alt="" class="navIcon" tal:condition="not:isAnon" tal:attributes="src python:portal_url+'/'+sibling.getIcon(1); 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