GeneSpring 2.14.0 Thon de Boer
Snapshot Date: 2008-08-08 00:12:03 -0700 (Fri, 08 Aug 2008) | URL: | Last Changed Rev: 31430 / Revision: 33132 | Last Changed Date: 2008-04-29 16:50:18 -0700 (Tue, 29 Apr 2008) |
| lamb1 | Linux (SUSE 10.1) / x86_64 | OK | OK | |
wilson2 | Linux (openSUSE 10.3) / x86_64 | OK | OK | |
wellington | Linux (openSUSE 10.3) / i686 | OK | OK | |
liverpool | Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit) / x64 | OK | OK | OK |
pitt | Mac OS X Tiger (10.4.11) / i386 | OK | [ OK ] | OK |
* checking for working pdflatex ... OK
* using log directory '/Users/biocbuild/bbs-2.2-bioc/meat/GeneSpring.Rcheck'
* using R version 2.7.1 (2008-06-23)
* using session charset: ASCII
* checking for file 'GeneSpring/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* this is package 'GeneSpring' version '2.14.0'
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking whether package 'GeneSpring' can be installed ... OK
* checking package directory ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking top-level files ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in R code ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
* checking replacement functions ... OK
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking R code for possible problems ... OK
* checking Rd files ... OK
* checking Rd cross-references ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
* checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
* creating GeneSpring-Ex.R ... OK
* checking examples ... OK
* checking package vignettes in 'inst/doc' ... OK
* creating GeneSpring-manual.tex ... OK
* checking GeneSpring-manual.tex using pdflatex ... OK
* Installing *source* package 'GeneSpring' ...
** R
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
Loading required package: Biobase
Loading required package: tools
Welcome to Bioconductor
Vignettes contain introductory material. To view, type
'openVignette()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
'citation("Biobase")' and for packages 'citation(pkgname)'.
** help
Note: removing empty section \examples
Note: removing empty section \seealso
Note: removing empty section \examples
>>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'GeneSpring'
Formats: text html latex example
GSint text html latex example
GSint2BC text html latex example
GSload.exp text html latex
GSload.genelist text html latex example text html latex
GSsave.exp text html latex example
** building package indices ...
* DONE (GeneSpring)