## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library(multiWGCNA) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Download data from the ExperimentHub library(ExperimentHub) eh = ExperimentHub() # Note: this requires the SummarizedExperiment package to be installed eh_query = query(eh, c("multiWGCNAdata")) astrocyte_se = eh_query[["EH8223"]] # Collect the metadata in the sampleTable; the first column must be named "Sample" sampleTable = colData(astrocyte_se) # Check the data assays(astrocyte_se)[[1]][1:5, 1:5] sampleTable # Define our conditions for trait 1 (disease) and 2 (brain region) conditions1 = unique(sampleTable[,2]) conditions2 = unique(sampleTable[,3]) ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # # Construct the combined networks and all the sub-networks (EAE, WT, and each region) # # Same parameters as Tommasini and Fogel. BMC Bioinformatics # astrocyte_networks = constructNetworks(astrocyte_se, sampleTable, conditions1, conditions2, # networkType = "signed", TOMType = "unsigned", # power = 12, minModuleSize = 100, maxBlockSize = 25000, # reassignThreshold = 0, minKMEtoStay = 0, mergeCutHeight = 0, # numericLabels = TRUE, pamRespectsDendro = FALSE, # deepSplit = 4, verbose = 3) # ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load pre-computed astrocyte networks astrocyte_networks = eh_query[["EH8222"]] # Check one of the WGCNA objects astrocyte_networks[["combined"]] ## ----fig.height = 5, fig.width = 8-------------------------------------------- # Save results to a list results = list() results$overlaps = iterate(astrocyte_networks, overlapComparisons, plot=FALSE) # Check the overlaps, ie between the EAE and wildtype networks head(results$overlaps$EAE_vs_WT$overlap) ## ----fig.height = 6, fig.width = 7-------------------------------------------- # Run differential module expression analysis (DME) on combined networks results$diffModExp = runDME(astrocyte_networks[["combined"]], sampleTable, p.adjust = "fdr", refCondition = "Region", testCondition = "Disease") # plot=TRUE, # out="ANOVA_DME.pdf") # Check results sorted by disease association FDR results$diffModExp[order(results$diffModExp$Disease),] # You can check the expression of module M13 from Tommasini and Fogel. BMC Bioinformatics. 2023 like this. Note that the values reported in the bottom panel title are p-values and not adjusted for multiple comparisons like in results$diffModExp diffModuleExpression(astrocyte_networks[["combined"]], geneList = topNGenes(astrocyte_networks[[1]], "combined_013"), design = sampleTable, test = "ANOVA", plotTitle = "combined_013", plot = TRUE) ## ----fig.height = 6, fig.width = 7-------------------------------------------- drawMultiWGCNAnetwork(astrocyte_networks, results$overlaps, "combined_013", design = sampleTable, overlapCutoff = 0, padjCutoff = 1, removeOutliers = TRUE, alpha = 1e-50, layout = NULL, hjust = 0.4, vjust = 0.3, width = 0.5) ## ----fig.height = 8, fig.width = 10------------------------------------------- bidirectionalBestMatches(results$overlaps$combined_vs_EAE) ## ----fig.height=5, fig.width=7------------------------------------------------ # Get expression data for top 20 genes in EAE_015 module datExpr = GetDatExpr(astrocyte_networks[[1]], genes = topNGenes(astrocyte_networks$EAE, "EAE_015", 20)) # Plot coexpressionLineGraph(datExpr, splitBy = 1.5, fontSize = 2.5) + geom_vline(xintercept = 20.5, linetype='dashed') ## ----eval = FALSE, fig.height = 3, fig.width = 7------------------------------ # # To enable multi-threading # library(doParallel) # library(WGCNA) # nCores = 2 # registerDoParallel(cores = nCores) # enableWGCNAThreads(nThreads = nCores) # # registerDoSEQ() # disableWGCNAThreads() # # # Calculate preservation statistics # results$preservation=iterate(astrocyte_networks[c("EAE", "WT")], # preservationComparisons, # write=FALSE, # plot=TRUE, # nPermutations=100) ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # options(paged.print = FALSE) # results$permutation.test = PreservationPermutationTest(astrocyte_networks$combined@datExpr[sample(17000,3000),], # sampleTable, # constructNetworksIn = "EAE", # Construct networks using EAE samples # testPreservationIn = "WT", # Test preservation of disease samples in WT samples # nPermutations = 10, # Number of permutations for permutation test # nPresPermutations = 10, # Number of permutations for modulePreservation function # # # WGCNA parameters for re-sampled networks (should be the same as used for network construction) # networkType = "signed", TOMType = "unsigned", # power = 12, minModuleSize = 100, maxBlockSize = 25000, # reassignThreshold = 0, minKMEtoStay = 0, mergeCutHeight = 0, # numericLabels = TRUE, pamRespectsDendro = FALSE, # deepSplit = 4, verbose = 3 # ) ## ----eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------- # Load pre-computed results data(permutationTestResults) # Remove outlier modules permutationTestResultsFiltered = lapply(permutationTestResults, function(x) x[!x$is.outlier.module,]) # Extract the preservation score distribution results$scores.summary = PreservationScoreDistribution(permutationTestResultsFiltered, moduleOfInterestSize = 303 # The size of the module of interest (dM15) ) # Observed preservation score of dM15 observed.score = 9.16261490617938 # How many times did we observe a score lower than or equal to this observed score? z.summary.dist = results$scores.summary$z.summary below=length(z.summary.dist[z.summary.dist <= observed.score]) probability= below/100 message("Probability of observing a score of ", round(observed.score, 2), " is ", probability) ## ----eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------- # Plot on a histogram ggplot(results$scores.summary, aes(x=z.summary)) + geom_histogram(color="black", fill="white", bins = 15)+ xlab("Preservation score")+ ylab("Frequency")+ geom_vline(xintercept=observed.score, color="red3", linetype="solid")+ scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0))+ theme_classic()+ theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()