## ----include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----install-package, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------- # if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) { # install.packages("BiocManager") # } # # BiocManager::install("PIUMA") ## ----chunk-1,eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # ############################################# # ############# NOT TO EXECUTE ################ # ########## please skip this chunk ########### # ############################################# # # # dataset_seu <- readRDS("./GSE193346_CD1_seurat_object.rds") # # # subset vascular endothelial cells # vascularEC_seuobj <- subset(x = dataset_seu, # subset = markFinal == "vascular_ec") # df_data_counts <- vascularEC_seuobj@assays$RNA@counts # df_cl <- as.data.frame(df_data_counts) # meta_cl <- vascularEC_seuobj@meta.data[, c(10,13,14,15)] # meta_cl[sapply(meta_cl, is.character)] <- lapply(meta_cl[sapply(meta_cl, # is.character)], # as.factor) # # ## Filtering and normalization # colnames(meta_cl)[4] <- "class" # SE <- DaMiR.makeSE(df_cl, meta_cl) # data_norm <- DaMiR.normalization(SE, # type = "vst", # minCounts = 3, # fSample = 0.4, # hyper = "no") # vascEC_norm <- round(t(assay(data_norm)), 2) # vascEC_meta <- meta_cl[, c(3,4), drop=FALSE] # df_TDA <- cbind(vascEC_meta, vascEC_norm) # ## ----chunk-2,warning=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- library(PIUMA) library(ggplot2) data(vascEC_norm) data(vascEC_meta) df_TDA <- cbind(vascEC_meta, vascEC_norm) dim(df_TDA) head(df_TDA[1:5, 1:7]) ## ----chunk-3,warning=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- TDA_obj <- makeTDAobj(df_TDA, c("stage","zone")) ## ----chunk-3_1,warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------- # data("vascEC_meta") # data("vascEC_norm") # # dataSE <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=as.matrix(t(vascEC_norm)), # colData=as.data.frame(vascEC_meta)) # TDA_obj <- makeTDAobjFromSE(dataSE, c("stage","zone")) # ## ----chunk-4, fig.width=10, fig.height=10,warning=FALSE, fig.cap = "Scatterplot from UMAP. Four scatter plots are drawn, using the first 2 components identified by UMAP. Each panel represents cells belonging to a specific heart chamber, while colors refer to the development stage."---- set.seed(1) # calculate the distance matrix TDA_obj <- dfToDistance(TDA_obj, distMethod = "euclidean") # calculate the projections (lenses) TDA_obj <- dfToProjection(TDA_obj, "UMAP", nComp = 2, umapNNeigh = 25, umapMinDist = 0.3, showPlot = FALSE) # plot point-cloud based on stage and zone df_plot <- as.data.frame(cbind(getOutcomeFact(TDA_obj), getComp(TDA_obj)), stringAsFactor = TRUE) ggplot(data= df_plot, aes(x=comp1, y=comp2, color=stage))+ geom_point(size=3)+ facet_wrap(~zone) ## ----chunk-5, fig.width=10, fig.height=10,warning=FALSE----------------------- TDA_obj <- mapperCore(TDA_obj, nBins = 15, overlap = 0.3, clustMeth = "kmeans") # number of clusters (nodes) dim(getDfMapper(TDA_obj)) # content of two overlapping clusters getDfMapper(TDA_obj)["node_102_cl_1", 1] getDfMapper(TDA_obj)["node_117_cl_1", 1] ## ----chunk-6, fig.width=10, fig.height=10,warning=FALSE----------------------- # Jaccard Matrix TDA_obj <- jaccardMatrix(TDA_obj) head(round(getJacc(TDA_obj)[1:5,1:5],3)) round(getJacc(TDA_obj)["node_102_cl_1","node_117_cl_1"],3) ## ----chunk-7, fig.width=10, fig.height=10,warning=FALSE----------------------- TDA_obj <- tdaDfEnrichment(TDA_obj, cbind(getScaledData(TDA_obj), getOutcome(TDA_obj))) head(getNodeDataMat(TDA_obj)[1:5, tail(names(getNodeDataMat(TDA_obj)), 5)]) ## ----chunk-8, fig.width=10, fig.height=10,warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE, fig.cap = "Power-law degree distribution. The correlation between P(k) (y-axis) and k (x-axis) is represented in linear scale (on the left) and in log-log scale (on the right). The regression line (orange line) is also provided."---- # # Anchoring (supervised) # entropy <- checkNetEntropy(getNodeDataMat(TDA_obj)[, "zone"]) # entropy # # # Scale free network (unsupervised) # netModel <- checkScaleFreeModel(TDA_obj, showPlot = "yes") # netModel ## ----fig.width=10, fig.height=10, warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE------------------- # write.table(x = round(getJacc(TDA_obj),3), # file = "./jaccard.matrix.txt", # sep = "\t", # quote = FALSE, # na = "", # col.names = NA) # # write.table(x = getNodeDataMat(TDA_obj), # file = "./nodeEnrichment.txt", # sep = "\t", # quote = FALSE, # col.names = NA) # # ## ----session_info------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()