--- title: "Additional visualizations of variance structure" author: - name: "[Gabriel Hoffman](http://gabrielhoffman.github.io)" affiliation: | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York output: rmarkdown::html_document: highlight: pygments toc: true toc_depth: 2 fig_width: 6 fig_height: 6 # BiocStyle::html_document: # toc_float: false BiocStyle::pdf_document: default package: variancePartition abstract: | The correlation structure between samples in complex study designs can be decomposed into the contribution of multiple dimensions of variation. \Rpackage{variancePartition} provides a statistical and visualization framework to interpret sources of variation. Here I describe a visualization of the correlation structure between samples for a single gene.<br> variancePartition v`r packageVersion("variancePartition")`<br> `r format(Sys.time(),'%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S')`<br> vignette: | %\VignetteIndexEntry{2) Additional visualizations} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r knitr, echo=FALSE, results='hide'} library("knitr") opts_chunk$set(tidy=FALSE,dev="png",fig.show="show", # fig.width=7,fig.height=7, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE) ``` ```{r initialize, cache=FALSE, echo=FALSE} # load library library('variancePartition') ``` In the example dataset described in the main vignette, samples are correlated because they can come from the same individual or the same tissue. The function \Rfunction{plotCorrStructure} shows the correlation structure caused by each variable as well and the joint correlation structure. Figure \ref{fig:plotCorr}a,b shows the correlation between samples from the same individual where (a) shows the samples sorted based on clustering of the correlation matrix and (b) shows the original order. Figure \ref{fig:plotCorr}c,d shows the same type of plot except demonstrating the effect of tissue. The total correlation structure from summing individual and tissue correlation matricies is shown in \ref{fig:plotCorrAll}a,b. The code to generate these plots is shown below. # Plot variance structure ```{r corStruct, results='hide'} # Fit linear mixed model and examine correlation stucture # for one gene data(varPartData) form <- ~ Age + (1|Individual) + (1|Tissue) fitList <- fitVarPartModel( geneExpr[1:2,], form, info ) # focus on one gene fit = fitList[[1]] ``` ## By Individual ### Reorder samples ```{r corStructa,out.width = "50%"} # Figure 1a # correlation structure based on similarity within Individual # reorder samples based on clustering plotCorrStructure( fit, "Individual" ) ``` ### Original order of samples ```{r corStructb,out.width = "50%"} # Figure 1b # use original order of samples plotCorrStructure( fit, "Individual", reorder=FALSE ) ``` ## By Tissue ### Reorder samples ```{r corStructc,out.width = "50%"} # Figure 1c # correlation structure based on similarity within Tissue # reorder samples based on clustering plotCorrStructure( fit, "Tissue" ) ``` ### Original order of samples ```{r corStructd,out.width = "50%"} # Figure 1d # use original order of samples plotCorrStructure( fit, "Tissue", reorder=FALSE ) ``` ## By Individual and Tissue ### Reorder samples ```{r corStructe,out.width = "50%"} # Figure 2a # correlation structure based on similarity within # Individual *and* Tissue, reorder samples based on clustering plotCorrStructure( fit ) ``` ### Original order of samples ```{r corStructf,out.width = "50%"} # Figure 2b # use original order of samples plotCorrStructure( fit, reorder=FALSE ) ```