\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{fullpage} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[pdftex, bookmarks, bookmarksopen, pdfauthor={David Clayton}, pdftitle={Data input}] {hyperref} \title{Data input vignette\\Reading genotype data in {\tt snpStats}} \author{David Clayton} \date{\today} \usepackage{Sweave} \SweaveOpts{echo=TRUE, pdf=TRUE, eps=FALSE} \begin{document} \setkeys{Gin}{width=1.0\textwidth} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Data input} %\VignettePackage{snpStats} \maketitle <<lib,echo=FALSE>>= require(snpStats) @ \section*{Memory limitations} Before we start it is important to emphasise that the {\tt SnpMatrix} objects that hold genotype data in {\tt snpStats} are resident in memory, and limitations of the computer and of the R language impose limits on the maximum size of datasets that can be held at any one time. Each genotype reading uses only a single byte of memory so that large datasets can be read given the large memory capacity of modern computers. Originally, R imposed a limit of $2^{31}-1 \sim 2\times 10^9$ elements in a single array. This limit applied in both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of R, these versions differing only in the {\em total} memory that could be used. For example, this would correspond to one million loci for two thousand subjects and would occupy two gigabytes of machine memory. However, version 3 of R removed the restriction on single arrays in the 64-bit version, and this was implemented for {\tt SnpMatrix} and {\tt XSnpMatrix} objects in version 1.19.2 of {\tt snpStats}. However, experience of this code is limited and some caution is advised. \section*{Reading pedfiles} A commonly encountered format for storing genotype data is the ``pedfile'' format, which originated some years ago in the LINKAGE package. Pedfiles are text files containing one line per genotyped sample, with fields separated by ``white space'' ( TAB characters or SPACEs). The first six fields contain: \begin{enumerate} \item a pedigree or family identifier, unique to the family of which this subject is a member, \item a further identifier, unique (within the family) to each family member, \item the member identifier of the father of the subject if the father is also present in the data, otherwise an arbitrary code (usually {\tt 0}), \item similarly, an identifier for the mother of the subject, \item the sex of the subject ({\tt 1 =} Male, {\tt 2 =} Female), and \item a binary trait indicator ({\tt 1 =} Absent, {\tt 2 =} Present). \end{enumerate} Missing values in the last two fields are usually coded as zero. The first few rows and columns of a sample file is shown below: \begin{verbatim} IBD054 430 0 0 1 0 1 3 3 1 4 1 4 2 IBD054 412 430 431 2 2 1 3 1 3 4 1 4 2 IBD054 431 0 0 2 0 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 IBD058 438 0 0 1 0 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 IBD058 470 438 444 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 \end{verbatim} Thus, the subject of line~2 has a father whose data appears on line~1 and a mother whose data is on line~3. The grandparents do not appear on the file. This subject is affected by the trait, but the trait status of her parents is not known. The genotypes of this subject at the first four loci are {\tt 1/3}, {\tt 1/3}, {\tt 4/1} and {\tt 4/2}. Note that {\tt snpStats} will only deal with diallelic data and, although alleles are coded 1 to 4 in this file, only two of these occur with in any one locus. In fact these data are from the sample dataset distributed with the HAPLOVIEW program (Barrett et al., 2005) which uses the numbers 1--4 to denote the four nucleotides: {\tt 1 =} A, {\tt 2 =} C, {\tt 3 = } G, {\tt 4 =} . The pedfile contains data for 20 loci on 120 subjects, and is accompanied by a second file which describes the loci, the first four lines being: \begin{verbatim} IGR1118a_1 274044 IGR1119a_1 274541 IGR1143a_1 286593 IGR1144a_1 287261 \end{verbatim} (this file is rather simple, containing just the locus name and its position on a chromosome). The (gzipped) pedfile and the locus information file are stored in the {\tt extdata} sub-directory of the {\tt snpStats} package as, respectively, {\tt sample.ped.gz} and {\tt sample.info}. Since the precise location of these files may vary between installations, we first obtain full paths to these files using the {\tt system.file} function <<sysfile>>= pedfile <- system.file("extdata/sample.ped.gz", package="snpStats") pedfile infofile <- system.file("extdata/sample.info", package="snpStats") @ The data can then be read in using the {\tt read.pedfile} function <<redpedfile>>= sample <- read.pedfile(pedfile, snps=infofile) @ The result, {\tt sample}, is a list with three elements. The first is an object of class {\tt SnpMatrix} containing the genotype data. We shall show summaries for the first few loci <<sample1>>= sample$genotypes col.summary(sample$genotypes)$MAF head(col.summary(sample$genotypes)) @ The second list element is a dataframe containing the first six fields of the pedfile. We'll just display the start of this: <<sample2>>= head(sample$fam) @ Note that the zero values in the pedfile have been read as {\tt NA}; this is optional, but default, behaviour of the function. Here the pedigree-member identifiers have been used as subject identifiers, since these are not duplicated while pedigree identifiers (the first choice) were duplicated (if both sets of identifiers are duplicated, they are combined). Finally, the third list element is a dataframe containing the information read from the {\tt sample.info} file, to which have been added the two alleles found at each locus: <<sample3>>= head(sample$map) @ Here we have used the default settings of {\tt read.pedfile}. In particular, it is not mandatory to supply a locus description file and there are further arguments which allow additional flexibility. These options are described in the on-line help page. \section*{PLINK files} Binary PED (BED) files written by the PLINK toolset (Purcell et al., 2007) may also be read as {\tt SnpMatrix} objects. Files of type {\tt .bed} are written by the {\tt plink --make-bed} command and are accompanied by two text files: a {\tt .fam} file containing the first six fields of a standard pedfile as described above, and a {\tt .bim} file which describes the loci. The package data directory also contains {\tt .bed}, {\tt .fam} and {\tt .bim} files for the sample dataset of the last section; the following commands recover the full file paths for these files and read the files: <<plink>>= fam <- system.file("extdata/sample.fam", package="snpStats") bim <- system.file("extdata/sample.bim", package="snpStats") bed <- system.file("extdata/sample.bed", package="snpStats") sample <- read.plink(bed, bim, fam) @ The output object is similar to that produced by {\tt read.pedfile}, a list with three elements: <<plinkout>>= sample$genotypes col.summary(sample$genotypes)$MAF head(sample$fam) head(sample$map) @ Usually the three input files have the same filename stub with {\tt .bed}, {\tt .fam} and {\tt .bim} extensions added. In this case it is sufficient to just supply the filename stub to {\tt read.plink}. A useful feature of {\tt read.plink} is the ability to select a subset of data from a large PLINK dataset. This is demonstrated in our small example below <<plinkselect>>= subset <- read.plink(bed, bim, fam, select.snps=6:10) subset$genotypes col.summary(subset$genotypes)$MAF subset$map @ Note that, in order to select certain SNPs, the input PLINK file must be in SNP-major order {\it i.e.\,} all individuals for the first SNP, all individuals for the second SNP, and so on. This is the default mode in PLINK. However, to select certain individuals, the input PLINK file must be in individual-major order. \section*{Long format data} The least compact, but perhaps most flexible, input format is the ``long'' format in which each genotype call takes up a single line. Such data can be read using the function {\tt read.snps.long}. A simple example is provided by the small gzipped data file {\tt sample-long.gz} provided with the package: <<longfile>>= longfile <- system.file("extdata/sample-long.gz", package="snpStats") longfile @ The first 5 lines of the file are listed as follows: <<longlist>>= cat(readLines(longfile, 5), sep="\n") @ The first field gives the SNP identifier ({\tt snp1} to {\tt snp18}), the second gives the sample, or subject, identifier ({\tt subject1} to {\tt subject100}), the third field gives the genotype call ({\tt 1=A/A}, {\tt 2=A/B}, {\tt 3=B/B}), and the last field gives a confidence measure for the call (here always {\tt 1.000}). To read in this file and inspect the data: <<readlong>>= gdata <- read.long(longfile, fields=c(snp=1, sample=2, genotype=3, confidence=4), gcodes=c("1", "2", "3"), threshold=0.95) gdata summary(gdata) @ A few remarks: \begin{enumerate} \item In our example, the entire file has been read. However, subsets of data may be extracted by specifying the required SNP or sample identifiers. \item Any calls for which the call confidence is less than {\tt threshold} is set to {\tt NA} (this did not affect any calls in this simple example). \item Here, calls were represented by a single genotype code. It is also possible to read calls as pairs of alleles. The function then returns a list whose first argument is the {\tt SnpMatrix} object, and whose second object is a dataframe containing the allele codes. This option is demonstrated below, using an alternative coding of the same data (all SNPs are {\tt CT} SNPs): \end{enumerate} <<readlongallele>>= allelesfile <- system.file("extdata/sample-long-alleles.gz", package="snpStats") cat(readLines(allelesfile, 5), sep="\n") gdata <- read.long(allelesfile, fields=c(snp=1, sample=2, allele.A=3, allele.B=4, confidence=5), threshold=0.95) gdata gdata$genotypes gdata$alleles @ Note that the assignment of alleles depends on the order in which they were encountered. This function has many options and the online help page needs to be read carefully. \section*{Other formats} \subsection*{Imputation} A further source of input data is programs which can {\em impute} genotype data for a set of study individuals, using genome-wide SNP-chip data for the study subjects plus HapMap or 1,000 genomes project datasets. {\tt snpStats} provides the functions {\tt read.beagle}, {\tt read.impute}, and {\tt read.mach} to read in files produced by the leading imputation programs. For more details of such data, see the imputation and meta-analysis vignette. \subsection*{VCF format} The 1,000 genomes data are released in the VCF format. {\tt snpStats} does not yet include a function to read data files in this format, but the {\tt GGtools} package does contain such a function ({\tt vcf2sm}). \subsection*{X, Y and mitocondrial SNPs} The {\tt SnpMatrix} class is designed for diploid SNP genotypes. SNPs which can be haploid are stored in objects of the {\tt XSnpMatrix} class, which has an addition slot, named {\tt diploid}. Since, for the X chromosome, ploidy depends on sex and may vary from row to row, this (logical) vector has the same number of elements as the number of rows in the SNP data matrix. Most input routines do not allow for reading an {\tt XSnpMatrix} and simply read into a {\tt SnpMatrix}, coding haploid calls as (homozygous) diploid. Such objects may then be coerced into the {\tt XSnpMatrix} class using {\tt as(\ldots, "XSnpMatrix")} or {\tt new("XSnpMatrix, \ldots, diploid=\ldots)}. If {\tt as} is used, ploidy is inferred from homozygosity while, if {\tt new} is used, it must be supplied (if all rows have the same ploidy, this argument can be a scalar). In either case, calls presumed to be haploid but coded as heterozygous will be set to {\tt NA}. \section*{Reference} Barrett JC, Fry B, Maller J, Daly MJ.(2005) Haploview: analysis and visualization of LD and haplotype maps. {\it Bioinformatics}, 2005 Jan 15, [PubMed ID: 15297300]\\[2mm] Purcell S, Neale B, Todd-Brown K, Thomas L, Ferreira MAR, Bender D, Maller J, Sklar P, de Bakker PIW, Daly MJ and Sham PC (2007) PLINK: a toolset for whole-genome association and population-based linkage analysis. {\it American Journal of Human Genetics}, {\bf 81} \end{document}