# Exploring the GAlignmentPairs in alpineData We first load the `alpineData` package: ```{r} library(alpineData) ``` This package contains the following four *GAlignmentPairs* objects. We can access these directly with named functions: ```{r} ERR188297() ERR188088() ERR188204() ERR188317() ``` Or we can access them using the *ExperimentHub* interface: ```{r} eh <- ExperimentHub() query(eh, "ERR188") eh[["EH166"]] ``` For details on the source of these files, and on their construction see `?alpineData` and the scripts: * `inst/scripts/make-metadata.R` * `inst/scripts/make-data.Rmd` We can take a quick look at the paired alignments from one file. For example their distribution on the different chromosomes: ```{r} library(GenomicAlignments) gap <- ERR188297() barplot(sort(table(seqnames(gap))[1:25], decreasing=TRUE), las=3, main="Distribution of reads") ``` Histograms of read starts for the first read on chromosome 1: ```{r} gap1 <- gap[seqnames(gap) == "1"] starts <- start(first(gap1)) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) hist(starts,col="grey") ```