## ----message = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- library(transcriptogramer) t <- transcriptogramPreprocess(association = association, ordering = Hs900) ## ----message = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- ## during the preprocessing ## creating the object and setting the radius as 0 t <- transcriptogramPreprocess(association = association, ordering = Hs900) ## creating the object and setting the radius as 50 t <- transcriptogramPreprocess(association = association, ordering = Hs900, radius = 50) ## ----message = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- ## after the preprocessing ## modifying the radius of an existing Transcriptogram object radius(object = t) <- 25 ## getting the radius of an existing Transcriptogram object r <- radius(object = t) ## ----message = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- oPropertiesR25 <- orderingProperties(object = t, nCores = 1) ## slight change of radius radius(object = t) <- 30 ## this output is partially different comparing to oPropertiesR25 oPropertiesR30 <- orderingProperties(object = t, nCores = 1) ## ----message = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- cProperties <- connectivityProperties(object = t) ## ----message = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- t <- transcriptogramStep1(object = t, expression = GSE9988, dictionary = GPL570, nCores = 1) ## ----message = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- t <- transcriptogramStep2(object = t, nCores = 1) ## ----message = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- radius(object = t) <- 80 t <- transcriptogramStep2(object = t, nCores = 1) ## ----message = FALSE, fig.show = "hide"------------------------------------ ## trend = FALSE for microarray data or voom log2-counts-per-million ## the default value for trend is FALSE levels <- c(rep(FALSE, 3), rep(TRUE, 3)) t <- differentiallyExpressed(object = t, levels = levels, pValue = 0.01, trend = FALSE) ## ----eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- # ## translating ENSEMBL Peptide IDs to Symbols using the biomaRt package # ## Internet connection is required for this command # t <- differentiallyExpressed(object = t, levels = levels, pValue = 0.01, # species = "Homo sapiens") # # ## translating ENSEMBL Peptide IDs to Symbols using the DEsymbols dataset # t <- differentiallyExpressed(object = t, levels = levels, pValue = 0.01, # species = DEsymbols) ## ----message = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- DE <- DE(object = t) ## ----eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- # rdp <- clusterVisualization(object = t) ## ----message = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- ## using the HsBPTerms dataset to create the gene2GO list terms <- clusterEnrichment(object = t, species = HsBPTerms, pValue = 0.005, nCores = 1) ## ----eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- # ## using the biomaRt package to create the gene2GO list # ## Internet connection is required for this command # terms <- clusterEnrichment(object = t, species = "Homo sapiens", # pValue = 0.005, nCores = 1) ## ----echo = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- load("terms.RData") ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- head(terms) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo() ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- warnings()