## ----style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis', warning=FALSE, message=FALSE---- BiocStyle::markdown() library(knitr) library(methylKit) ## ----loadingPackage, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE-------------------------- library(methylInheritance) ## ----caseStudy01, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, collapse=TRUE-------------- ## Load dataset containing information over three generations data(demoForTransgenerationalAnalysis) ## The length of the dataset corresponds to the number of generation ## The generations are stored in order (first entry = first generation, ## second entry = second generation, etc..) length(demoForTransgenerationalAnalysis) ## All samples related to one generation are contained in a methylRawList ## object. ## The methylRawList object contains two Slots: ## 1- treatment: a numeric vector denoting controls and cases. ## 2- .Data: a list of methylRaw objects. Each object stores the raw ## mehylation data of one sample. ## A section of the methylRaw object containing the information of the ## first sample from the second generation head(demoForTransgenerationalAnalysis[[2]][[1]]) ## The treatment vector for each generation ## The number of treatments and controls is the same in each generation ## However, it could also be different. ## Beware that getTreatment() is a function from the methylKit package. getTreatment(demoForTransgenerationalAnalysis[[1]]) getTreatment(demoForTransgenerationalAnalysis[[2]]) getTreatment(demoForTransgenerationalAnalysis[[3]]) ## ----caseStudy02, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, collapse=TRUE, cache=TRUE---- ## The observation analysis is only done on differentially methylated sites runObservation(methylKitData = demoForTransgenerationalAnalysis, type = "sites", # Only sites outputDir = "demo_01", # RDS result files are saved # in the directory nbrCores = 1, # Number of cores used minReads = 10, # Minimum read coverage minMethDiff = 10, # Minimum difference in methylation # to be considered DMS qvalue = 0.01, vSeed = 2101) # Ensure reproducible results ## The results can be retrived using loadAllRDSResults() method observedResults <- loadAllRDSResults( analysisResultsDir = "demo_01/", # Directory containing # the observation # results permutationResultsDir = NULL, doingSites = TRUE, doingTiles = FALSE) observedResults ## ----caseStudy03, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, collapse=TRUE, cache=TRUE---- ## The permutation analysis is only done on differentially methylated sites runPermutation(methylKitData = demoForTransgenerationalAnalysis, # multi-generational dataset type = "sites", # Only sites outputDir = "demo_02", # RDS permutation files are # saved in the directory runObservationAnalysis = FALSE, nbrCores = 1, # Number of cores used nbrPermutations = 2, # Should be much higher for a # real analysis minReads = 10, # Minimum read coverage minMethDiff = 10, # Minimum difference in methylation # to be considered DMS qvalue = 0.01, vSeed = 2101) # Ensure reproducible results ## The results can be retrived using loadAllRDSResults() method permutationResults <- loadAllRDSResults( analysisResultsDir = NULL, permutationResultsDir = "demo_02", # Directory containing # the permutation # results doingSites = TRUE, doingTiles = FALSE) permutationResults ## ----caseStudy04, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, collapse=TRUE, cache=TRUE---- ## Merge observation and permutation results #allResults <- mergePermutationAndObservation(permutationResults = # permutationResult, # observationResults = observationResult) #allResults ## ----remove01, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE------- rm(permutationResult) rm(observationResult) ## ----caseStudy05, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, collapse=TRUE, cache=FALSE---- ## Conserved differentially methylated sites between F1 and F2 generations #F1_and_F2_results <- extractInfo(allResults = allResults, type = "sites", # inter = "i2", position = 1) #head(F1_and_F2_results) ## ----caseStudyLoad, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, cache=TRUE, echo = FALSE, cache=TRUE---- demoFile <- system.file("extdata", "resultsForTransgenerationalAnalysis.RDS", package="methylInheritance") demoResults <- readRDS(demoFile) ## ----caseStudy06, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, collapse=TRUE, cache=TRUE---- ## Differentially conserved sites between F1 and F2 generations F1_and_F2 <- extractInfo(allResults = demoResults, type = "sites", inter = "i2", position = 1) ## Differentially conserved sites between F2 and F3 generations F2_and_F3 <- extractInfo(allResults = demoResults, type = "sites", inter = "i2", position = 2) ## Differentially conserved sites between F1 and F2 and F3 generations F2_and_F3 <- extractInfo(allResults = demoResults, type = "sites", inter = "iAll", position = 1) ## ----caseStudy07, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, collapse=TRUE-------------- ## Show graph and significant level for differentially conserved sites ## between F1 and F2 output <- plotGraph(F1_and_F2) ## ----restartAnalysis, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, collapse=TRUE, cache=TRUE---- ## The permutation analysis is only done on differentially methylated tiles ## The "output" directory must be specified ## The "vSeed" must be specified to ensure reproducible results ## The "restartCalculation" is not important the first time the analysis is run permutationResult <- runPermutation( methylKitData = demoForTransgenerationalAnalysis, # multi-generational dataset type = "tiles", # Only tiles outputDir = "test_restart", # RDS files are created runObservationAnalysis = TRUE, nbrCores = 1, # Number of cores used nbrPermutations = 2, # Should be much higher for a # real analysis vSeed = 212201, # Ensure reproducible results restartCalculation = FALSE) ## Assume that the process was stopped before it has done all the permutations ## The process can be restarted ## All parameters must be identical to the first analysis except "restartCalculation" ## The "restartCalculation" must be set to TRUE permutationResult <- runPermutation( methylKitData = demoForTransgenerationalAnalysis, # multi-generational dataset type = "tiles", # Only tiles outputDir = "test_restart", # RDS files are created runObservationAnalysis = TRUE, nbrCores = 1, # Number of cores used nbrPermutations = 2, # Should be much higher for a # real analysis vSeed = 212201, # Ensure reproducible results restartCalculation = TRUE) ## ----demoRaw1, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, collapse=TRUE, cache=TRUE----- ## The list of methylRaw objects for all controls and cases related to F1 f1_list <- list() f1_list[[1]] <- new("methylRaw", data.frame(chr = c("chr21", "chr21"), start = c(9764513, 9764542), end = c(9764513, 9764542), strand = c("+", "-"), coverage = c(100, 15), numCs = c(88, 2), numTs = c(100, 15) - c(88, 2)), sample.id = "F1_control_01", assembly = "hg19", context = "CpG", resolution = 'base') f1_list[[2]] <- new("methylRaw", data.frame(chr = c("chr21", "chr21"), start = c(9764513, 9764522), end = c(9764513, 9764522), strand = c("-", "-"), coverage = c(38, 21), numCs = c(12, 2), numTs = c(38, 21) - c(12, 2)), sample.id = "F1_case_02", assembly = "hg19", context = "CpG", resolution = 'base') ## The list of methylRaw objects for all controls and cases related to F2 f2_list <- list() f2_list[[1]] <- new("methylRaw", data.frame(chr = c("chr21", "chr21"), start = c(9764514, 9764522), end = c(9764514, 9764522), strand = c("+", "+"), coverage = c(40, 30), numCs = c(0, 2), numTs = c(40, 30) - c(0, 2)), sample.id = "F2_control_01", assembly = "hg19", context = "CpG", resolution = 'base') f2_list[[2]] <- new("methylRaw", data.frame(chr = c("chr21", "chr21"), start = c(9764513, 9764533), end = c(9764513, 9764533), strand = c("+", "-"), coverage = c(33, 23), numCs = c(12, 1), numTs = c(33, 23) - c(12, 1)), sample.id = "F2_case_01", assembly = "hg19", context = "CpG", resolution = 'base') ## The list to use as input for methylInheritance final_list <- list() ## The methylRawList for F1 - the first generation is on the first position final_list[[1]] <- new("methylRawList", f1_list, treatment = c(0,1)) ## The methylRawList for F2 - the second generation is on the second position final_list[[2]] <- new("methylRawList", f2_list, treatment = c(0,1)) ## A list of methylRawList ready for methylInheritance final_list ## ----demoRaw2, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, collapse=TRUE, cache=TRUE----- library(methylKit) ## The methylRawList for F1 generation_01 <- methRead(location = list("demo/F1_control_01.txt", "demo/F1_case_01.txt"), sample.id = list("F1_control_01", "F1_case_01"), assembly = "hg19", treatment = c(0, 1), context = "CpG") ## The methylRawList for F2 generation_02 <- methRead(location = list("demo/F2_control_01.txt", "demo/F2_case_01.txt"), sample.id = list("F2_control_01", "F2_case_01"), assembly = "hg19", treatment = c(0, 1), context = "CpG") ## A list of methylRawList ready for methylInheritance final_list <- list(generation_01, generation_02) final_list ## ----sessionInfo, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()