CHANGES IN VERSION 1.6.15 ------------------------- BUG FIX o somaticInteractions data.table fix. Issue: #166 o Fixed error due to multiple header lines from TCGA MAF files. Issue: #162 o APOBEC enrichment estimation, context fix. Issue: #160 ENHANCEMENTS: o Added argument sortByAnnotation1 to coOncoplot for sorting by clinical annotation. Issue: #168 o Added argument colbar_pathway to oncoplot for controlling mutation burden display. Issue: #167, #169 o Fixed showBarcodes in plotmafSummary. Summary plot now includes annotations (% or raw number) on the barplot. Issue: #165 o Added argument bgCol and borderCol to oncoplots for better background representation. Issue: #164 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.6.10 ------------------------- BUG FIX o APOBEC enrichment estimation, denominator fix. Issue: #160 o Total sample estimation bug fix. Issue: #159 o fix plot error caused by NAs in signatureEnrichment. PR: #158 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.6.07 ------------------------- BUG FIX o Correct ordering of mutsigCV q-values in oncoplot. Issue: #144 o Bioconductor windows error fix CHANGES IN VERSION 1.6.05 ------------------------- BUG FIX o Fix breaks due to changes in data.table 1.11.0. Issue: #143 o SomaticInteraction bug fix due to hclust. Issue: #142 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.6.00 ------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS o clinicalEnrichment - Performs mutational enrichment analysis for a given clinical feature. o signatureEnrichment - Performs sample stratification based on signature exposures and enrichment analysis. o plotEnrichmentResults - Plots results from clinicalEnrichment and signatureEnrichment analysis o lollipopPlot2 - Compare two lollipop plots SIGNIFICANT USER-LEVEL IMPROVEMENT o Forstplot now includes summary table within the plot. o Included capture_size argument in tcgaCompare. o annovarToMaf can take multiple annovar annotation files and converts them to a single MAF cohort.