1.17.1: - Removed support for SAMseq since samr has been removed from CRAN 1.5.3: - Updated baySeq code to match package version 2.2.0 1.5.2: - Updated NBPseq code to match package version 0.3.0 1.5.1: - Added the number of significant genes, then number of true positives, true negatives, false positives and false negatives as evaluation criteria. - Bug fixes 1.3.4: - Fixed documentation 1.3.3: - Removed support for HTSDiff since it has been removed from CRAN 1.3.2: - Fixed a bug that prevented data sets with more than 17,343 genes to be simulated (thanks to Simon Greenaway) 1.3.1: - Updated vignette - Added citation file 1.2.0: - Release version with Bioconductor 3.0 1.1.4: - Added MCC (Matthew's correlation coefficient) as evaluation measure 1.1.3: - Fixed summarizeSyntheticDataSet to work also for non-simulated data 1.1.2: - Added reference information for TCC (thanks to Koji Kadota) 1.1.1: - Bug fix in EBSeq quantile normalization (thanks to Rory Kirchner) 0.99.3: - Bug fixes 0.99.2: - Extended the examples - Bug fixes 0.99.1: - inclusion of an additional comparison metric, relating the gene score to the signal strength for genes expressed in only one condition - improved documentation of the compData class 0.99.0: - identical to 0.2.0, renamed for Bioconductor submission 0.2.0: - introduction of a new S4 class (compData) and associated functions - more examples, checks and error messages - more options for providing user-specified values in the data simulation - changed the range of the color palette in the Spearman correlation plots to [-1,1] 0.1.0: - first version