CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.0 ------------------------- o FluteMLE and FluteRRA are two main functions in MAGeCKFlute package. FluteMLE run pipeline from gene beta scores caculated by MAGeCK MLE, while FluteRRA run pipeline based on MAGeCK RRA results. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.1 ------------------------- o Remove some new errors, such as error trigered by no GroupA genes. o Allow users to input their own essential genes to do the cell cycle normalization o Allow users to define the number of genes labeled in rank figure, default label top 10 and bottom 10 genes o Add annotation of other organisms CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.10 ------------------------- o Change all plot function names ended with 'View'. o Decrease exported functions o Decrease package denpendcies o Revise all documents CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.18 ------------------------- o Add HeatmapView and BatchRemove. o Change view distribution functions which show samples separately. o Change function ReadBeta to be more friendly. o Label top ten essential genes in SquareView. o Change some default parameter values to be better. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.19 ------------------------- o Beutify figures. o Remove some unnecessary dependencies. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.1 ------------------------- o Speed up the enrichment analysis. o Release memory in time. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.6 ------------------------- o Add functions to plot figures in NatureProtocol manuscript. o Shorten the check time. o Remove null figures in pathview part.