CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.10 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o added hg20 as reference genome for gene coordinates (used for genomic-regions-input and gene_len=TRUE) Previously only hg19 was available, which is still the default USER-LEVEL CHANGES o hgnc-symbols for gene coordinates are replaced by gene symbols which are available for a higher number of genes (in most cases they are identical) CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.9 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o New function get_annotated_genes returns genes annotated to enriched or user-defined brain regions o New function get_id returns the ID of a brain region given its name USER-LEVEL CHANGES o results from aba_enrich get sorted on times_FWER_under_0.05 followed by min_FWER and mean_FWER (order of min and mean switched) o genes in aba_enrich(...)[[2]] are sorted alphabetically o when genomic regions are provided as input, candidate regions are implicitly also part of the background for the randomsets (like it is for single-genes-input) CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.8 ------------------------ IMPROVEMENTS o Use dynamic tolerance for FWER calculation o Added more tests and checks o Improved checking of arguments when genomic regions are provided as input