## ----style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'------------------------------------

## ----loadData, echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE------------------

## Subset data for markers for example
hyperLOPIT2015 <- markerMSnSet(hyperLOPIT2015)

## ----queryparams--------------------------------------------------------------
params <- setAnnotationParams(inputs = c("Mouse genes",
										 "UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID"))

## ----addGO, echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, eval = TRUE--------
cc <- addGoAnnotations(hyperLOPIT2015, params,
					   namespace = "cellular_component")

## ----filterGO, echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, eval = TRUE-----
## Next we filter the GO term matrix removing any terms that have
## have less than `n` proteins or greater than `p` % of total proteins
## in the dataset (this removes terms that only have very few proteins
## and very general terms)
cc <- filterMinMarkers(cc)
cc <- filterMaxMarkers(cc)

## ----orderMarkers, eval = TRUE, verbose = FALSE-------------------------------
## Extract markers can use n to specify to select top n terms
res <- orderGoAnnotations(cc, k = 1:3, p = 1/3, verbose = FALSE)

## ----viewGO, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
# library("pRolocGUI")
# pRolocVis(res, fcol = "GOAnnotations")

## ----clusterDist, eval = TRUE, verbose = FALSE--------------------------------
## Now calculate distances
dd <- clustDist(cc, fcol = "GOAnnotations", k = 1:3, verbose = FALSE)

## ----visualiseRes, fig.width=12, eval = TRUE----------------------------------
## Plot normalised distances
plot(dd, p = 1/3)

## Examine kmeans clustering
plot(dd[[1]], cc)

## ----minRank, eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------------
# ## Normalise by n^1/3
# minDist <- getNormDist(dd, p = 1/3)
# ## Get new order according to lowest distance
# o <- order(minDist)
# ## Re-order `GOAnnotations` matrix in `fData`
# fData(cc)$GOAnnotations <- fData(cc)$GOAnnotations[, o]

## ----visAgain, eval=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
# pRolocVis(cc, fcol = "GOAnnotations")