Changes in version 6.18.0                        

new features / enhancements / changes

  - new function plotMarkers to visualise the selected features in block
    analyses (see #134)
  - auroc title now fixed (#135)
  - cimDiablo takes trim argument to customise outlier filtering (#136)
  - plotIndiv.pca default shape set to 16
  - circosPlot & network now support blocks with similar feature names
  - circosPlot now has methods for block.spls objects
  - circosPlot now takes new formal and advanced args for customisation.
    See ?circosPlot.

bug fixes

  - plotVar legend colour mismatch bug fixed
  - plotDiablo error undefined variable (Y) fixed
  - nipals initialisation bug with high-variance high-NA rate column
  - cim bug with high NA rate data fixed using imputation by the column

                       Changes in version 6.16.0                        

new features / enhancements / changes

  - biplot default colours now match plotIndiv
  - biplot now takes cex argument
  - nipals now takes center and scale arguments
  - nipals now only outputs p, t and eig
  - new function impute.nipals to impute missing values using NIPALS
  - nipals function checks for orthogonality of components when NA
  - plot.tune legends improved
  - plot.tune now uses colour-blind friendly colours
  - new tune.spls function to perform variable selection on both X and Y
  - tune.spls now chooses optimal keepX even if nrepeat < 3
  - tune.spls now takes validation arg
  - tune.spca is now much faster
  - circosPlot links can now have adjustable width (#118)
  - plotDiablo now takes (#119)
  - terminology change: consensus renamed to average in Diablo context

bug fixes

  - plotVar bug fixed

                       Changes in version 6.14.0                        

new features / enhancements / changes

  - circosPlot: The radial location of feature names can now be
    cutomised using var.adj
  - added plot and print methods for nipals ouput (#87)
  - all Discriminat Analyses now run solely on mode=regression (#79)
  - cim argument change: threshold replaced by cutoff
  - nipals and pca with missing values allow skipping reconstitution of
    the input matrix
  - tune.block.splsda now allows random number seed also for parallel
    processing (#72)
  - New biplot methods for the pca family (#90)

bug fixes

  - plotIndiv: Legend bug which misspecified the groups resolved
  - plotIndiv: Legends now ordered as inputted, and not alphabetically
  - plot method issue for spca resolved
  - plotLoadings.spca bug with var.names now fixed (#81)
  - ipca deprecation warning fixed

                       Changes in version 6.12.0                        

new features / enhancements

  - plotLoadings's infamous figure margins too large error now handled
    and informative condition thrown
  - circosPlot's lines argument default to FALSE now
  - circosPlot's inconsistentcy of blocks with identical X names fixed
  - consensus and weighted consensus plots now supported for plotIndiv
    with relevant block analyses
  - plotLoadings's feature name trimming can be customised
  - block.splsda bug which could drop some Y factors with fixed
  - perf.block.splsda now supports calculation of combined and per-block
  - model improvement significance can be custmoised in all perf and
    tune functions
  - perf.block.splsda is now much faster and supports FORK clusters
  - tune.(s)pls(da), perf.(s)plsda now support FORK clusters

bug fixes

  - circosPlot's faded lines bug when many NAs present fixed
  - tune.block.splsda() bug when using fixed test.keepX over two or more
    blocks fixed
  - circosPlot and plotLoadings bug caused by features with NAs fixed
  - plotIndiv(..., ind.names = FALSE) warning/bug fixed
  - tune.block.splsda bug on Windows parallelisation fixed
  - perf and tune functions' issue when choosing the optimum component
  - added option to suppress auroc from printing all the AUCs

                       Changes in version 6.10.0                        

new features / enhancements

  - parallel processing on tune.block.splsda improved
  - tune.block.splsda now supports more distances
  - You can now customise auroc plots. Refer to documentation for more

bug fixes

  - single factor multilevel error in pls fixed
  - fixed over-estimated correlation of cim for mixo_(s)pls objects with
    single component
  - margin error in cim now handled properly
  - fixed plotLoadings error for very long variable names
  - predict function bug for single sample prediction fixed
  - plotLoadings bug for long variable names fixed
  - Fixed tune.spls and pef.plsda bugs when using cpus argument for
    parallel processing
  - perf.plot bug in extracting names fixed
  - Few fixes for tune.splsda with AUC

minor improvements

  - missing values in plotIndiv's group argument no more throws error
  - mixOmics::predict function documentation now more accessible
  - names of linnerud datasets fixed
  - plot.perf now respects ylim arguments for custom y range
  - package startup message with direct liks to useful resources
  - mixOmics function documentation disambiguated with instruction on
    how to get package help
  - Updated onLoad message with discussion forum info, bug reports, and
  - Dropped legacy comp.tol argument from pca
  - plot.perf now respects ylim arguments for custom y range
  - Added Code of Conduct

                        Changes in version 6.8.0                        


  - Refer to ./inst/legacy/NEWS-old on GitHub repo