= 1.33.3 =
- fix progressiveAlignment() bug on df parameter
- updated multipleAlignment documentation fixing the use of wn.D parameter

= 1.33.2 =
- add plotMultipleSpectra()

= 1.33.1 =
- Improoved addXCMSpeaks() peak-picking 

= 1.33.0 =
- Several bug fixed

= 1.31.2 =
- updated retFatMatrix()
- Several bug fixed

= 1.31.1 =
- Removed correlationAlignment function
- Add correlation metric (corPrt) to peaksAlignment()
- Add normalized dot product retention based metric (ndpRT) to peaksAlignment()
- Add new alignment function dynRT()
- Several bug fixed

= 1.27.7 =
- Add exportSpectra() function

= 1.27.6 =
- Add plotSpectra() function

= 1.27.5 =
- Add retFatMatrix() function

= 1.27.4 =
- fix correlationAlignment() bug
- fix mzrange bug in addXCMSpeaks()
- fix gatherInfo() bug 

= 1.27.3 =
- gatherInfo() now works on correlationAlignment object

= 1.27.2 =
- Bugs Fixed in m/z range parameter

= 1.27.1 =
- Bugs Fixed correlationAlignment()
- Updated vignette

= 1.23.1 =
- Added new peaks alignment function (correlationAlignment)

=           0.5 SERIES                        =

- First release to Bioconductor (2.4) - includes basis classes and 
  methods for I/O, multiple alignment of GCMS peaks
  (from Robinson et al 2007, BMC Bioinformatics)