Changes in version 0.99                         

Changes in 0.99.2

  - Add man/figures folder to Rbuildignore.

Changes in 0.99.1

  - Add S4Vectors package to Suggests as it's used in the unit tests.

Changes in 0.99.0

  - Prepare and clean package for Bioconductor submission.

                        Changes in version 0.98                         

Changes in 0.98.6


Changes in 0.98.4

  - Add support for "FILTER MS1MZ" and "FILTER MS2MZ".

Changes in 0.98.3

  - Fix MS1DATA and MS2DATA to return only peaks data.
  - Add support for functions (scansum, scaninfo).
  - Fix parsing of where part.

Changes in 0.98.2

  - Change from filterPrecursorMz to filterPrecursorMzValues.
  - Support "OR" in "MS2PREC", MS1MZ, MS2PROD.
  - Add MS1MZ.

Changes in 0.98.1

  - Add functionality to extract the requested data from a Spectra.
  - Add vignette with first use cases.