Changes in version 1.3.4                        

    o   BiGGR publication is now available at PLoS ONE! Use
	citation("BiGGR") to see how to correctly cite BiGGR.

                        Changes in version 1.1.5                        

    o   rmvSpliceVariant: remove splicing variants from entrez gene

    o   gprMapping: maps gene expression values based on GPR rules as
	found in ReconX database. GPR rules are interpreted based on
	summary statistics.

    o   gprMappingAvg: maps gene expression values with GPR rules based
	on averages

    o   Recon2: Updated new version of Recon2 from

                        Changes in version 1.1.4                        

    o   Updated vignette. Equality constraints on GABA shunt and
	pentose phosphate pathway fluxes are now used in FBA and
	ensemble simulations.

                        Changes in version 1.1.3                        

    o   Updated vignette and bibtex file. FBA and ensemble sampling are
	now done with integration of brain metabolite uptake
	measurement data.

    o   Added new function 'sampleFluxEnsemble' which can be used to
	generate a posterior distribution of flux vectors with respect
	to measurement error in certain fluxes. An example of
	'sampleFluxEnsemble' has been added to the package vignette.

    o   Added LIM model file 'Glycolysis_TCA.LIM' to the examples
	directory. This file contains the model which is build in the

    o   Fixed warnings in functions buildSBMLFromReactionIDs and
	createLIMFromSBML to seperate missing identifiers with a comma.

                       Changes in version 0.99.3                        

    o   Initial release of BiGGR in Bioconductor. Package was formerly
	available on CRAN