Changes in version 0.99.5 Remove codes that are commented out. Changes in version 0.99.4 user perspective/experience - documentation update about output values - output variable/names parameter added to many functions - validity checks for spatialCoords are added to related functions - for loops are gone. Changes in version 0.99.3 code - sapply change to vapply. - validity checks on inputs are now added to all functions using either is(spe, "SpatialExperiment") or is(m, "matrix") etc. vignette - Explanation of plots and algorithm inside different functions are now added to the vignette briefly. - BiocStyle are now used. - BiocStyle to hyperlink packages are now used. - Fixed typo documentation - data description of the test data has been added. - cross-link key function have added to the package help page. - the equation and theory of the calcMetrics are now added in the help page. other - Bioconductor installation instructions is now added to the readme file. - code coverage is now almost 85%. - The LICENSE placeholders is now edited. Changes in version 0.99.0 First submission to Bioconductor.