Changes in version 0.99.9 Suggestions and remarks from a bioconductor team member - modification of outputs in order to replace list ouputs by SE class object - Vignette (Running_analysis_with_MultiRNAflow.Rmd) - modification because ouputs modification - More unit tests (now 197 unit tests in 31 files), coverage = 60/100 Changes in version 0.99.8 Suggestions and remarks from a bioconductor team member - Correction of DESCRIPTION file - add a new function to improve inputs in others function - modification of R functions depending on previous inputs - Vignette (Running_analysis_with_MultiRNAflow.Rmd) - code-style to highlight (function, variable, package names) - keeping includegraphics only for the introduction part - More unit tests (now 45 unit tests in 25 files) - add the R file MultiRNAflow-package.R for man folder Changes in version 0.99.7 Suggestions and remarks from a bioconductor team member - Correction of DESCRIPTION file - Vignette (Running_analysis_with_MultiRNAflow.Rmd) - code-style to highlight (function, variable, package names) - More details about the vignette - eval=FALSE replaced by eval=TRUE - More unit tests Changes in version 0.99.6 Bug fixes - Necessary correction by the automated single package builder of Changes in version 0.99.0 - Added a file to track changes to the package.