--- title: "Example usage of _seqArchR_ on simulated DNA sequences" author: "Sarvesh Nikumbh" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" package: seqArchR output: BiocStyle::html_document: toc: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Example usage of _seqArchR_ on simulated DNA sequences} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} resource_files: - seqArchR_algorithm_static_illustrator_cropped.png - seqArchR_algorithm_1080p_cropped.gif --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` # Introduction _seqArchR_ is a non-negative matrix factorization (NMF)-based unsupervised learning approach for identifying different core promoter sequence architectures. _seqArchR_ implements an algorithm based on chunking and iterative processing. While matrix factorization-based applications are known to scale poorly for large amounts of data, seqArchR's algorithm enables scalable processing of large number of sequences. A notable advantage of seqArchR is that the sequence motifs -- the lengths and positional specificities of individual motifs, and complex inter-relationships where multiple motifs are at play in tandem, all are simultaneously inferred from the data. To our knowledge, this is a novel application of NMF on biological sequence data capable of simultaneously discovering the sequence motifs and their positions. For a more detailed discussion, see preprint/publication. This vignette demonstrates _seqArchR_'s usage with the help of a synthetic DNA sequences data set. Please refer to the paper for a detailed description of _seqArchR_'s algorithm. The paper also discusses the various parameters and their settings. For completeness, the following section gives a brief overview of the algorithm. # _seqArchR_'s algorithm _seqArchR_ implements a chunking-based iterative procedure. Below is a schematic of _seqArchR_'s algorithm. Further details to follow. # Installation ## Python scikit-learn dependency _seqArchR_ requires the Python module scikit-learn. Please see installation instructions [here](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/install.html). _seqArchR_ is available on Bioconductor, and can be installed using: ```{r seqArchR-install, echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE} if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("seqArchR") ``` In case of any errors, please consider looking up: [https://github.com/snikumbh/seqArchR](https://github.com/snikumbh/seqArchR). If none of the already noted points with regards to troubleshooting _seqArchR_'s installation help, please file a [new issue](https://github.com/snikumbh/seqArchR/issues/new). # Working with _seqArchR_ ```{r setup-two, echo=TRUE} # Load seqArchR library(seqArchR) library(Biostrings, quietly = TRUE) # Set seed for reproducibility set.seed(1234) ``` ## Synthetic data explained In order to demonstrate the efficacy of _seqArchR_, we use _seqArchR_ to cluster DNA sequences in a synthetic data set which was generated as follows. A set of 200 simulated DNA sequences was generated, each 100 nucleotides long and with uniform probability for all nucleotides. These sequences have four clusters in them, each with 50 sequences. The profiles of the four clusters are: | Cluster | Characteristic Motifs | Motif Occurrence Position | #Sequences |----------|:----------|:----------|---------- | A | Dinucleotide repeat `AT` | every 10 nt | 50 | B | `GATTACA` | 40 | 50 | | `GAGAG` | 60 | | C | `GAGAG` | 60 | 50 | D | `GAGAG` | 80 | 50 | | `TCAT` | 40 | All the motifs across the clusters were planted with a mutation rate of 0. ## Input and feature representation We use one-hot encoding to represent the dinucleotide profiles of each sequence in the data set. _seqArchR_ provides functions to read input from (a) a FASTA file, and (b) `Biostrings::DNAStringSet` object. ### Reading input as FASTA file The function `seqArchR::prepare_data_from_FASTA()` enables one-hot-encoding the DNA sequences in the given FASTA file. The one-hot-encoded sequences are returned as a sparse matrix with as many columns as the number of sequences in the FASTA file and (sequence length x $4^{2}$) rows when dinucleotide profiles is selected. The number of rows will be (sequence length x $4$) when mononucleotide profiles is selected. See the `sinuc_or_dinuc` argument. Upon setting the logical argument `rawSeq` to `TRUE`, the function returns the raw sequences as a `Biostrings::DNAStringSet` object, with `FALSE` it returns the column-wise one-hot encoded representation as noted above. When `raw_seq` is `TRUE`, `sinuc_or_dinuc` argument is ignored. ```{r load-example-data, echo=TRUE} # Creation of one-hot encoded data matrix from FASTA file inputFname <- system.file("extdata", "example_data.fa.gz", package = "seqArchR", mustWork = TRUE) # Specifying `dinuc` generates dinucleotide features inputSeqsMat <- seqArchR::prepare_data_from_FASTA(fasta_fname = inputFname, sinuc_or_dinuc = "dinuc") inputSeqsRaw <- seqArchR::prepare_data_from_FASTA(fasta_fname = inputFname, raw_seq = TRUE) nSeqs <- length(inputSeqsRaw) positions <- seq(1, Biostrings::width(inputSeqsRaw[1])) ``` ### Reading input as a DNAStringSet object If you already have a `Biostrings::DNAStringSet` object, you can use the `seqArchR::get_one_hot_encoded_seqs()` function which directly accepts a `Biostrings::DNAStringSet` object. ```{r load-example-data-2, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE} # Creation of one-hot encoded data matrix from a DNAStringSet object inputSeqs_direct <- seqArchR::get_one_hot_encoded_seqs(seqs = inputSeqsRaw, sinuc_or_dinuc = "dinuc") identical(inputSeqs_direct, inputSeqsMat) ``` ## Visualize input sequences as an image ```{r plot-seqs, echo=TRUE, fig.dim=c(4,6)} # Visualize the sequences in a image matrix where the DNA bases are # assigned fixed colors seqArchR::viz_seqs_acgt_mat(as.character(inputSeqsRaw), pos_lab = positions, save_fname = NULL) ``` ## Calling _seqArchR_ Setup seqArchR configuration as follows. ```{r setup-seqArchR-config-call, echo=TRUE} # Set seqArchR configuration seqArchRconfig <- seqArchR::set_config( parallelize = TRUE, n_cores = 2, n_runs = 100, k_min = 1, k_max = 20, mod_sel_type = "stability", bound = 10^-6, chunk_size = 100, result_aggl = "ward.D", result_dist = "euclid", flags = list(debug = FALSE, time = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, plot = FALSE) ) ``` Once the configuration is setup, call the `seqArchR::seqArchR()` function with user-specified number of iterations. ```{r call-seqArchR, echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE} # Call/Run seqArchR seqArchRresult <- seqArchR::seqArchR(config = seqArchRconfig, seqs_ohe_mat = inputSeqsMat, seqs_raw = inputSeqsRaw, seqs_pos = positions, total_itr = 2, set_ocollation = c(TRUE, FALSE)) ``` ```{r read-stored-result, echo=FALSE} seqArchRresult <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "example_seqArchRresult.rds", package = "seqArchR", mustWork = TRUE)) ``` ## Understanding the result object from _seqArchR_ In the version `r packageVersion("seqArchR")`, _seqArchR_ naively returns a result object which is a nested list of seven elements. These include: - the sequence cluster labels per iteration [`seqsClustLabels`]; - the collection of NMF basis vectors per iteration [`clustBasisVectors`]: each is a list of two elements `nBasisVectors` and `basisVectors`; - the clustering solution, [`clustSol`], which is obtained upon combining raw clusters from the last iteration of seqArchR. This element stores the clustering of NMF basis vectors [`basisVectorsClust`] and the sequence clusters [`clusters`]; - the raw sequences provided [`rawSeqs`]; - if timeFlag is set, timing information (in minutes) per iteration [`timeInfo`]; - the configuration setting [`config`]; and - the call itself [`call`]. ### NMF basis vectors _seqArchR_ stores the NMF basis vectors corresponding to each cluster in every iteration in the variable `clustBasisVectors`. `clustBasisVectors` is a numbered list corresponding to the number of iterations performed. This is then again a list holding two pieces of information: the number of basis vectors (`nBasisVectors`) and the basis vectors (`basisVectors`). ```{r seqArchR-result-clust-factors} # Basis vectors at iteration 2 seqArchR::get_clBasVec_k(seqArchRresult, iter=2) i2_bv <- seqArchR::get_clBasVec_m(seqArchRresult, iter=2) dim(i2_bv) head(i2_bv) ``` The NMF basis vectors can be visualized as a heatmap and/or sequence logo using [viz_bas_vec_heat_seqlogo](https://snikumbh.github.io/seqArchR/reference/viz_bas_vec_heatmap_seqlogo.html) function. ### Basis vectors at iteration 1 ```{r viz-BV-1, echo=TRUE, fig.height=5, fig.width=25} seqArchR::viz_bas_vec(feat_mat = get_clBasVec_m(seqArchRresult, 1), ptype = c("heatmap", "seqlogo"), method = "bits", sinuc_or_dinuc = "dinuc") ``` ### Basis vectors at iteration 2 ```{r viz-BV-2, fig.height=5, fig.width=25, echo=TRUE, warning=FALSE} seqArchR::viz_bas_vec(feat_mat = get_clBasVec_m(seqArchRresult, 2), ptype = c("heatmap", "seqlogo"), method = "bits", sinuc_or_dinuc = "dinuc") ``` ### Visualize sequences by clusters The clustered output from _seqArchR_ can again be visualized as a matrix. Use the [https://snikumbh.github.io/seqArchR/reference/seqs_str.html](seqs_str) function to fetch sequences by clusters at any iteration and call `seqArchR::viz_seqs_as_acgt_mat` as shown. ```{r clust-itr1, fig.dim=c(4,6), fig.cap="Clusters at iteration 1"} seqArchR::viz_seqs_acgt_mat(seqs_str(seqArchRresult, iter = 1, ord = TRUE), pos_lab = positions) ``` ```{r clust-itr2, fig.dim=c(4,6), fig.cap="Clusters at iteration 2"} seqArchR::viz_seqs_acgt_mat(seqs_str(seqArchRresult, iter = 2, ord = TRUE), pos_lab = positions) ``` # Conclusion _seqArchR_ can detect _de novo_ sequence features and simultaneously identify the complex interactions of different features together with their positional specificities. Note that the sequence architectures identified by _seqArchR_ have no limitations due to the size of the motifs or gaps in them, distance between motifs, compositional and positional variations in the individual motifs and their effects on the complex interactions, and number of motifs involved in any interaction. # Session Info ```{r session_info, include=TRUE, echo=TRUE, results='markup'} sessionInfo() ```