%\VignetteIndexEntry{msmsTests: controlling batch effects by blocking} %\VignetteDepends{msmsTests} %\VignetteKeywords{multivariate, hplot} %\VignettePackage{msmsTests} \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,oneside]{article} \usepackage{fullpage} \usepackage{float} \usepackage[section]{placeins} \usepackage{enumerate} \begin{document} \SweaveOpts{keep.source=TRUE,concordance=TRUE} \title{msmsTests package\\ Blocks design to compensate batch effects} \author{Josep Gregori, Alex Sanchez, and Josep Villanueva\\ Vall Hebron Institute of Oncology \&\\ Statistics Dept. Barcelona University\\ \texttt{josep.gregori@gmail.com}} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{Introduction} This vignette exemplifies the use of the packages msmsEDA and msmsTests in discovering and correcting batch effects in label-free LC-MS/MS data based on spectral counts. Label-free experiments are specially sensitive to these effects as each condition has to be measured separately and may be influenced by uncontrolled factors in a different extend. \section{Dataset} This dataset \cite{gregori2013} is the result of spiking experiments, showing real LC-MS/MS data. Samples of 500 micrograms of a standard yeast lysate are spiked with 200 and 600fm of a complex mix of 48 equimolar human proteins (UPS1, Sigma-Aldrich). The dataset comes with the package msmsEDA \cite{msmsEDA}, and was used to evidence batch effects by exploratory data analysis tools \cite{josep2012}. The dataset consists in an instance of the \emph{MSnSet} class, defined in the MSnbase package \cite{Gatto2012}, a S4 class \cite{chambers} \cite{genolini}. This \emph{MSnSet} object contains a spectral counts (SpC) matrix in the \emph{assayData} slot, and factors treatment and batch in the \emph{phenoData} slot. (See also the expressionSet vignette by vignette("ExpressionSetIntroduction",package="Biobase") \cite{gentleman}) <>= options(continue=" ") @ <>= library(msmsTests) data(msms.dataset) msms.dataset msms.counts <- exprs(msms.dataset) dim(msms.counts) table(pData(msms.dataset)$treat,pData(msms.dataset)$batch) @ Although the mix is equimolar the signal strength of each protein is markedly different, allowing to cover a wide range of SpC values, what makes it specially worth in this sort of experiments: <>= idx <- grep("HUMAN",featureNames(msms.dataset)) mSpC <- t( apply(msms.counts[idx,],1,function(x) tapply(x,pData(msms.dataset)$treat,mean)) ) apply(mSpC,2,summary) @ \section{Batch effects} Real life LC-MS/MS experiments use to be complicated enough to be able to get all required technical or biological replicates in a single batch run. Commonly a dataset collects results from multiple batches. The batches may be influenced by factors which escape our control capacity, and typically these datasets show the so known '\emph{batch effects}' when the runs where obtained in different dates. The confounding caused by these effects is easily evidenced by multidimensional tools like Principal Components Analysis (PCA) or Hierarchical Clustering (HC), when the samples cluster by batches instead of by treatment \cite{josep2012} \cite{luo2010} . <>= snms <- substr(as.character(pData(msms.dataset)$treat),1,2) snms <- paste(snms,as.integer(pData(msms.dataset)$batch),sep=".") smpl.pca <- counts.pca(msms.dataset,snms=snms)$pca @ \begin{figure}[H] \centering <>= par(mar=c(4,4,0.5,2)+0.1) facs <- data.frame(batch=pData(msms.dataset)$batch) counts.pca(msms.dataset,facs=facs,snms=snms) @ \caption{Principal Components Analysis}\label{pca} \end{figure} \section{Results on a single batch} The next code shows the results obtained from the data of a single batch with four replicates in each condition. The statistic test used for differential expression is the quasi-likelihood GLM \cite{agresti2002} \cite{li2010}, and the p-values are adjusted with FDR control by the Benjamini-Hochberg \cite{BH} method. The quality of the results is given by a truth table. <>= ### Subset and pre-process dataset fl <- pData(msms.dataset)$batch=="2502" e <- msms.dataset[,fl] e <- pp.msms.data(e) ### Null and alternative model null.f <- "y~1" alt.f <- "y~treat" ### Normalizing condition counts <- exprs(e) div <- apply(counts,2,sum) ### Quasi-likelihood GLM ql.res <- msms.glm.qlll(e,alt.f,null.f,div=div) ### Adjust p-values with FDR control. adjp <- p.adjust(ql.res$p.value,method="BH") ### Truth table nh <- length(grep("HUMAN",featureNames(e))) ny <- length(grep("HUMAN",featureNames(e),invert=TRUE)) tp <- length(grep("HUMAN",rownames(ql.res)[adjp<=0.05])) fp <- sum(adjp<=0.05)-tp (tt.ql1 <- data.frame(TP=tp,FP=fp,TN=ny-fp,FN=nh-tp)) @ These results may be polished by a post-test filter, so that only relevant features are accepted as differentially expressed, and the false positives are further restricted \cite{gregori2013}. <>= ### Post-test filter ql.tbl <- test.results(ql.res,e,pData(e)$treat,"U600","U200",div, alpha=0.05,minSpC=2,minLFC=1,method="BH")$tres ql.nms <- rownames(ql.tbl)[ql.tbl$DEP] ### Truth table ridx <- grep("HUMAN",ql.nms) tp <- length(ridx) fp <- length(ql.nms)-length(ridx) (tt.ql11 <- data.frame(TP=tp,FP=fp,TN=ny-fp,FN=nh-tp)) @ \section{Results on the global dataset} With a higher number of replicates the tests become more sensitive, and a higher number of differentially expressed features may be identified. The next code explores the full dataset, composed of two batches and seven replicates of each condition. Again the quality of the results is given by a truth table. <>= ### Pre-process dataset gble <- pp.msms.data(msms.dataset) ### Null and alternative model null.f <- "y~1" alt.f <- "y~treat" ### Normalizing condition div <- apply(exprs(gble),2,sum) ### Quasi-likelihood GLM ql.res <- msms.glm.qlll(gble,alt.f,null.f,div=div) ### Adjust p-values with FDR control. adjp <- p.adjust(ql.res$p.value,method="BH") ### Truth table nh <- length(grep("HUMAN",featureNames(gble))) ny <- length(grep("HUMAN",featureNames(gble),invert=TRUE)) tp <- length(grep("HUMAN",rownames(ql.res)[adjp<=0.05])) fp <- sum(adjp<=0.05)-tp (tt.ql2 <- data.frame(TP=tp,FP=fp,TN=ny-fp,FN=nh-tp)) @ Applying a post-test filter, as before, the results become: <>= ### Post-test filter ql.tbl <- test.results(ql.res,gble,pData(gble)$treat,"U600","U200",div, alpha=0.05,minSpC=2,minLFC=1,method="BH")$tres ql.nms <- rownames(ql.tbl)[ql.tbl$DEP] ### Truth table ridx <- grep("HUMAN",ql.nms) tp <- length(ridx) fp <- length(ql.nms)-length(ridx) (tt.ql22 <- data.frame(TP=tp,FP=fp,TN=ny-fp,FN=nh-tp)) @ \section{Results on the global dataset with a blocking factor} When the batches are balanced in the treatment conditions the presence of confounding factors translates into bigger variance and lower sensitivity. We may account for this extra variability by introducing the batches into the model, as a blocking factor. The next code explores the corresponding results. <>= ### Null and alternative model null.f <- "y~batch" alt.f <- "y~treat+batch" ### Quasi-likelihood GLM ql.res <- msms.glm.qlll(gble,alt.f,null.f,div=div) ### Adjust p-values with FDR control. adjp <- p.adjust(ql.res$p.value,method="BH") ### Truth table nh <- length(grep("HUMAN",featureNames(gble))) ny <- length(grep("HUMAN",featureNames(gble),invert=TRUE)) tp <- length(grep("HUMAN",rownames(ql.res)[adjp<=0.05])) fp <- sum(adjp<=0.05)-tp (tt.ql3 <- data.frame(TP=tp,FP=fp,TN=ny-fp,FN=nh-tp)) @ The correction improved the number of true positives, but significantly increased the number of false positives. This may be polished by the post-test filter to remove the non relevant features: <>= ### Post-test filter ql.tbl <- test.results(ql.res,gble,pData(gble)$treat,"U600","U200",div, alpha=0.05,minSpC=2,minLFC=1,method="BH")$tres ql.nms <- rownames(ql.tbl)[ql.tbl$DEP] ### Truth table ridx <- grep("HUMAN",ql.nms) tp <- length(ridx) fp <- length(ql.nms)-length(ridx) (tt.ql33 <- data.frame(TP=tp,FP=fp,TN=ny-fp,FN=nh-tp)) @ \section{Comparison of results} The following table collects the results obtained so far, where we see how increasing the number of replicates we improve the sensitivity, how the use of a post-test filter helps in restricting the number of false positives, and how blocking helps to remove the extra variability introduced by batch effects. <>= gbl.tt <- rbind(tt.ql1,tt.ql11,tt.ql2,tt.ql22,tt.ql3,tt.ql33) rownames(gbl.tt) <- c("subset","subset filtered", "global","global filtered", "blocking","blocking filtered") library(xtable) print(xtable(gbl.tt,align=c("r","r","r","r","r"), caption=c("Truth tables"), display=c("s","d","d","d","d")), type="latex",hline.after=c(-1,0,2,4,6),include.rownames=TRUE) @ \begin{figure}[H] \centering <>= par(mar=c(5, 3, 2, 2) + 0.1) par(cex.axis=0.8,cex.lab=0.8) rownames(gbl.tt) <- c("subset","subset\nfiltered", "global","global\nfiltered", "blocking","blocking\nfiltered") barplot(t(data.matrix(gbl.tt[,1:2])),beside=TRUE,las=2,space=c(0,0.25), legend.text=c("TP","FP"),args.legend=list(x="topleft",cex=0.8,bty="n")) @ \caption{Comparison of results}\label{barplot} \end{figure} \newpage \begin{thebibliography}{11} \bibitem{gregori2013} Gregori J., Villareal L., Sanchez A., Baselga J., Villanueva J., \emph{An Effect Size Filter Improves the Reproducibility in Spectral Counting-based Comparative Proteomics}. 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