params <- list(alignments = "/tmp/Rtmp41LHkv/Rinst139a195c88efe0/amplican/extdata/results/alignments/events_filtered_shifted_normalized.csv", config_summary = "/tmp/Rtmp41LHkv/Rinst139a195c88efe0/amplican/extdata/results/config_summary.csv") ## ----load data, message=F, warning=FALSE, include=FALSE----------------------- library(amplican) library(ggplot2) alignments <- data.table::fread(params$alignments) data.table::setDF(alignments) config <- data.frame(data.table::fread(params$config_summary)) height <- plot_height(length(unique(config$Group))) ## ----plot_total_reads, echo=FALSE, fig.height=height, fig.width=14, message=F, warning=FALSE---- ggplot(data = config, aes(x = as.factor(Group), y = log10(Reads + 1), order = Group, fill = Group)) + geom_boxplot() + ylab('Number of reads + 1, log10 scaled') + xlab('Group') + theme(legend.position = 'none', axis.text = element_text(size = 12), axis.title = element_text(size = 14, face = 'bold')) + coord_flip() ## ----plot_F_per, echo=FALSE, fig.height=height, fig.width=14, message=F, warning=FALSE---- config$F_percentage <- (config$PRIMER_DIMER + config$Low_Score) * 100/config$Reads config$F_percentage[is.nan(config$F_percentage)] <- 0 ggplot(data = config, aes(x = as.factor(Group), y = F_percentage, order = Group, fill = Group)) + geom_boxplot() + xlab('Group') + ylab('Percentage of filtered reads') + theme(axis.text = element_text(size=12), axis.title = element_text(size=14, face = 'bold'), legend.position = 'none') + ylim(0, 100) + coord_flip() ## ----plot indel percentage, echo=FALSE, fig.height=height, fig.width=14, message=F, warning=FALSE---- config$edit_percentage <- config$Reads_Edited * 100/config$Reads_Filtered config$edit_percentage[is.nan(config$edit_percentage)] <- 0 ggplot(data = config, aes(x = as.factor(Group), y = edit_percentage, order = Group, fill = Group)) + geom_boxplot() + xlab('Group') + ylab('Percentage of reads (not filtered) that have edits') + theme(axis.text = element_text(size=12), axis.title = element_text(size=14, face = 'bold'), legend.position = 'None') + ylim(0,100) + coord_flip() ## ----plot_frameshift_per, echo=FALSE, fig.height=height, fig.width=14, message=F, warning=FALSE---- config$frameshift_percentage <- config$Reads_Frameshifted * 100/config$Reads_Filtered config$frameshift_percentage[is.nan(config$frameshift_percentage)] <- 0 ggplot(data = config, aes(x = as.factor(Group), y = frameshift_percentage, order = Group, fill = Group)) + geom_boxplot() + xlab('Group') + ylab('Percentage of reads (not filtered) that have frameshift') + theme(axis.text = element_text(size=12), axis.title = element_text(size=14,face = 'bold'), legend.position = 'None') + ylim(0, 100) + coord_flip() ## ----plot read heterogeneity, echo=FALSE, fig.height=height + 1, fig.width=14, message=F, warning=FALSE---- plot_heterogeneity(alignments, config, level = 'Group') ## ----del-Betty, echo = F, results = "asis", message=F, warning=F------------- amplican::metaplot_deletions(alignments, config, "Group", "Betty") ## ----ins-Betty, echo = F, results = "asis", message=F, warning=F------------- amplican::metaplot_insertions(alignments, config, "Group", "Betty") ## ----mis-Betty, echo = F, results = "asis", message=F, warning=F------------- amplican::plot_mismatches(alignments, config, "Group", "Betty") ## ----del-Tom, echo = F, results = "asis", message=F, warning=F--------------- amplican::metaplot_deletions(alignments, config, "Group", "Tom") ## ----ins-Tom, echo = F, results = "asis", message=F, warning=F--------------- amplican::metaplot_insertions(alignments, config, "Group", "Tom") ## ----mis-Tom, echo = F, results = "asis", message=F, warning=F--------------- amplican::plot_mismatches(alignments, config, "Group", "Tom") ## ----plot_alignments, results='asis', echo=F, message=F, warning=F------------ alignments <- alignments[alignments$consensus & alignments$overlaps, ] alignments$strand <- "+" # strand does not matter after consensus filtering src = sapply(unique(config$Group), function(i) { knitr::knit_expand(text = c( "## Group {{i}} \n", "### Deletions \n", paste('```{r del-{{i}}, echo = F, results = "asis", ', 'message=F, warning=F}', collapse = ''), 'amplican::metaplot_deletions(alignments, config, "Group", "{{i}}")', '```\n', "### Insertions", paste('```{r ins-{{i}}, echo = F, results = "asis", ', 'message=F, warning=F}', collapse = ''), 'amplican::metaplot_insertions(alignments, config, "Group", "{{i}}")', '```\n', "### Mismatches", paste('```{r mis-{{i}}, echo = F, results = "asis", ', 'message=F, warning=F}', collapse = ''), 'amplican::plot_mismatches(alignments, config, "Group", "{{i}}")', '```\n')) }) # knit the source res = knitr::knit_child(text = src, quiet = TRUE) cat(res, sep = '\n')