## ----style, echo=FALSE, results='asis'---------------------------------------- BiocStyle::markdown() knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning=FALSE, error=FALSE, message=FALSE) ## ----workflow, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Overview of the SCArray framework.", fig.wide=TRUE---- knitr::include_graphics("scarray_sat.svg") ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # BiocManager::install("SCArray.sat") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load the packages suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(Seurat) library(SCArray) library(SCArray.sat) }) # Input GDS file with raw counts fn <- system.file("extdata", "example.gds", package="SCArray") # show the file contents (f <- scOpen(fn)) scClose(f) # close the file # Create a Seurat object from the GDS file d <- scNewSeuratGDS(fn) class(GetAssay(d)) # SCArrayAssay, derived from Assay d <- NormalizeData(d) d <- FindVariableFeatures(d, nfeatures=500) d <- ScaleData(d) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get the file name for the on-disk object scGetFiles(d) # raw counts m <- GetAssayData(d, "counts") scGetFiles(m) # the file name storing raw count data m # normalized expression # the normalized data does not save in neither the file nor the memory GetAssayData(d, "data") # scaled and centered data matrix # in this example, the scaled data does not save in neither the file nor the memory GetAssayData(d, "scale.data") ## ----fig.wide=TRUE------------------------------------------------------------ d <- RunPCA(d, ndims.print=1:2) DimPlot(d, reduction="pca") d <- RunUMAP(d, dims=1:50) # use all PCs calculated by RunPCA() DimPlot(d, reduction="umap") ## ----benchmark, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="The benchmark on PCA & UMAP with large datasets (CPU: Intel Xeon Gold 6248 @2.50GHz, RAM: 176GB).", fig.wide=TRUE---- knitr::include_graphics("benchmark.svg") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- d # the example for the small dataset save_fn <- tempfile(fileext=".rds") # or specify an appropriate location save_fn saveRDS(d, save_fn) # save to a RDS file remove(d) # delete the variable d gc() # trigger a garbage collection d <- readRDS(save_fn) # load from a RDS file d GetAssayData(d, "counts") # reopens the GDS file automatically ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- is(GetAssay(d)) new_d <- scMemory(d) # downgrade the active assay is(GetAssay(new_d)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- is(GetAssayData(d, "scale.data")) # it is a DelayedMatrix new_d <- scMemory(d, slot="scale.data") # downgrade "scale.data" in the active assay is(GetAssay(new_d)) # it is still SCArrayAssay is(GetAssayData(new_d, "scale.data")) # in-memory matrix ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- is(d) sce <- as.SingleCellExperiment(d) is(sce) sce counts(sce) # raw counts ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- options(SCArray.verbose=TRUE) d <- ScaleData(d) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # print version information about R, the OS and attached or loaded packages sessionInfo() ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- unlink("test.rds", force=TRUE)