## ----setup, include=TRUE------------------------------------------------------ library(EWCE) library(ggplot2) set.seed(1234) ## ---- error=TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------- ## Load merged cortex and hypothalamus dataset generated by Karolinska institute ctd <- ewceData::ctd() # i.e. ctd_MergedKI try({ plt <- EWCE::plot_ctd(ctd = ctd, level = 1, genes = c("Apoe","Gfap","Gapdh"), metric = "mean_exp") }) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- hits <- ewceData::example_genelist() print(hits) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- exp <- ctd[[1]]$mean_exp #### Old conversion method #### #if running offline pass localhub = TRUE m2h <- ewceData::mouse_to_human_homologs() exp_old <- exp[rownames(exp) %in% m2h$MGI.symbol,] #### New conversion method (used by EWCE internally) #### exp_new <- orthogene::convert_orthologs(gene_df = exp, input_species = "mouse", output_species = "human", method = "homologene") #### Report #### message("The new method retains ", formatC(nrow(exp_new) - nrow(exp_old), big.mark = ","), " more genes than the old method.") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Use 100 bootstrap lists for speed, for publishable analysis use >=10000 reps <- 100 # Use level 1 annotations (i.e. Interneurons) annotLevel <- 1 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bootstrap significance test, no control for transcript length and GC content full_results <- EWCE::bootstrap_enrichment_test(sct_data = ctd, sctSpecies = "mouse", genelistSpecies = "human", hits = hits, reps = reps, annotLevel = annotLevel) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- knitr::kable(full_results$results) ## ---- error=TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------- try({ plot_list <- EWCE::ewce_plot(total_res = full_results$results, mtc_method ="BH", ctd = ctd) # print(plot_list$plain) }) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bootstrap significance test controlling for transcript length and GC content #if running offline pass localhub = TRUE cont_results <- EWCE::bootstrap_enrichment_test( sct_data = ctd, hits = hits, sctSpecies = "mouse", genelistSpecies = "human", reps = reps, annotLevel = annotLevel, geneSizeControl = TRUE) ## ---- error=TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------- try({ plot_list <- EWCE::ewce_plot(total_res = cont_results$results, mtc_method = "BH") print(plot_list$plain) }) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bootstrap significance test controlling for transcript length and GC content #if running offline pass localhub = TRUE cont_results <- EWCE::bootstrap_enrichment_test(sct_data = ctd, hits = hits, sctSpecies = "mouse", genelistSpecies = "human", reps = reps, annotLevel = 2, geneSizeControl = TRUE) ## ---- error=TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------- try({ plot_list <- EWCE::ewce_plot(total_res = cont_results$results, mtc_method = "BH") print(plot_list$plain) }) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #### Generate random gene list #### #if running offline pass localhub = TRUE human.bg <- ewceData::mouse_to_human_homologs()$HGNC.symbol gene.list.2 <- sample(human.bg,size = 30) #if running offline pass localhub = TRUE second_results <- EWCE::bootstrap_enrichment_test(sct_data = ctd, sctSpecies = "mouse", hits = gene.list.2, reps = reps, annotLevel = 1) full_res2 = data.frame(full_results$results, list="Alzheimers") rando_res2 = data.frame(second_results$results, list="Random") merged_results = rbind(full_res2, rando_res2) ## ---- error=TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------- try({ plot_list <- EWCE::ewce_plot(total_res = merged_results, mtc_method = "BH") print(plot_list$plain) }) ## ---- error=TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------- # example datasets held in ewceData package #if running offline pass localhub = TRUE cortex_mrna <- ewceData::cortex_mrna() gene <- "Necab1" cellExpDist <- data.frame(Expression=cortex_mrna$exp[gene,], Celltype=cortex_mrna$annot[ colnames(cortex_mrna$exp),]$level1class) try({ ggplot(cellExpDist) + geom_boxplot(aes(x=Celltype, y=Expression), outlier.alpha = .5) + theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) }) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- nKeep <- 1000 must_keep <- c("Apoe","Gfap","Gapdh") keep_genes <- c(must_keep,sample(rownames(cortex_mrna$exp),997)) cortex_mrna$exp <- cortex_mrna$exp[keep_genes,] dim(cortex_mrna$exp) ## ---- style="max-height: 100px;", warning=FALSE, eval = FALSE----------------- # cortex_mrna$exp_scT_normed <- EWCE::sct_normalize(cortex_mrna$exp) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate cell type data for just the cortex/hippocampus data exp_CortexOnly_DROPPED <- EWCE::drop_uninformative_genes( exp = cortex_mrna$exp, input_species = "mouse", output_species = "human", level2annot = cortex_mrna$annot$level2class) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- annotLevels <- list(level1class=cortex_mrna$annot$level1class, level2class=cortex_mrna$annot$level2class) fNames_CortexOnly <- EWCE::generate_celltype_data( exp = exp_CortexOnly_DROPPED, annotLevels = annotLevels, groupName = "kiCortexOnly") ctd_CortexOnly <- EWCE::load_rdata(fNames_CortexOnly) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if running offline pass localhub = TRUE hypothalamus_mrna <- ewceData::hypothalamus_mrna() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if running offline pass localhub = TRUE hypothalamus_mrna$exp <- EWCE::fix_bad_mgi_symbols(exp = hypothalamus_mrna$exp) cortex_mrna$exp <- EWCE::fix_bad_mgi_symbols(exp = cortex_mrna$exp) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- merged_KI <- EWCE::merge_two_expfiles(exp1 = hypothalamus_mrna$exp, exp2 = cortex_mrna$exp, annot1 = hypothalamus_mrna$annot, annot2 = cortex_mrna$annot, name1 = "Hypothalamus (KI)", name2 = "Cortex/Hippo (KI)") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- exp_merged_DROPPED <- EWCE::drop_uninformative_genes( exp = merged_KI$exp, drop_nonhuman_genes = TRUE, input_species = "mouse", level2annot = merged_KI$annot$level2class) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- annotLevels = list(level1class=merged_KI$annot$level1class, level2class=merged_KI$annot$level2class) # Update file path to where you want the cell type data files to save on disk fNames_MergedKI <- EWCE::generate_celltype_data(exp = exp_merged_DROPPED, annotLevels = annotLevels, groupName = "MergedKI", savePath = tempdir()) ctd_MergedKI <- EWCE::load_rdata(fNames_MergedKI) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # ## You can also import the pre-merged cortex and hypothalamus dataset # # generated by Karolinska institute. `ewceData::ctd()` is the same file as # # ctd_MergedKI above. # #if running offline pass localhub = TRUE # ctd <- ewceData::ctd() ## ---- fig.width = 7, fig.height = 4, error=TRUE------------------------------- ctd <- ctd_MergedKI try({ plt <- EWCE::plot_ctd(ctd = ctd, level = 1, genes = c("Apoe","Gfap","Gapdh"), metric = "mean_exp") }) ## ---- fig.width = 7, fig.height = 4, error=TRUE------------------------------- try({ plt <- EWCE::plot_ctd(ctd = ctd, level = 1, genes = c("Apoe","Gfap","Gapdh"), metric = "specificity") }) ## ---- fig.width = 7, fig.height = 4, error=TRUE------------------------------- try({ plt <- EWCE::plot_ctd(ctd = ctd, level = 2, genes = c("Apoe","Gfap","Gapdh"), metric = "specificity") }) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if running offline pass localhub = TRUE ctd <- ewceData::ctd() hits <- ewceData::example_genelist() ## NOTE: rep=100 for demo purposes only. ## Use >=10,000 for publication-quality results. reps <- 100 annotLevel <- 1 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if running offline pass localhub = TRUE unconditional_results <- EWCE::bootstrap_enrichment_test( sct_data = ctd, hits = hits, sctSpecies = "mouse", genelistSpecies = "human", reps = reps, annotLevel = annotLevel) conditional_results_micro <- EWCE:: bootstrap_enrichment_test( sct_data = ctd, hits = hits, sctSpecies = "mouse", genelistSpecies = "human", reps = reps, annotLevel = annotLevel, controlledCT = "microglia") conditional_results_astro <- EWCE::bootstrap_enrichment_test( sct_data = ctd, hits = hits, sctSpecies = "mouse", genelistSpecies = "human", reps = reps, annotLevel = annotLevel, controlledCT = "astrocytes_ependymal") ## ---- error=TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------- merged_results <- rbind( data.frame(unconditional_results$results, list="Unconditional Enrichment"), data.frame(conditional_results_micro$results, list="Conditional Enrichment (Microglia controlled)"), data.frame(conditional_results_astro$results, list="Conditional Enrichment (Astrocyte controlled)") ) try({ plot_list <- EWCE::ewce_plot(total_res = merged_results, mtc_method = "BH") print(plot_list$plain) }) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if running offline pass localhub = TRUE ctd <- ewceData::ctd() tt_alzh <- ewceData::tt_alzh() ## NOTE: rep=100 for demo purposes only. ## Use >=10,000 for publication-quality results. reps <- 100 ## ---- results="hide"---------------------------------------------------------- # ewce_expression_data calls bootstrap_enrichment_test so tt_results <- EWCE::ewce_expression_data(sct_data = ctd, tt = tt_alzh, annotLevel = 1, ttSpecies = "human", sctSpecies = "mouse") ## ----fig.width = 7, fig.height = 4, error=TRUE-------------------------------- try({ plot_list <- EWCE::ewce_plot(tt_results$joint_results) print(plot_list$plain) }) ## ----Session Info------------------------------------------------------------- utils::sessionInfo()