Changes in version 0.99.9 - Response it initial package review (thanks @Kayla-Morrell) - Provided manual page examples for use_* compression filter functions. - Add details of how example data in inst/extdata/zarr_examples was created. - General code tidying Changes in version 0.99.8 - Patch compression libraries to remove R CMD check warnings about C functions that might crash R or write to something other than the R console. Working in Linux only. Changes in version 0.99.7 - Allow reading and writing chunks with GZIP compression. - Add compression level arguments to several compression tools. Changes in version 0.99.6 - Allow reading and writing chunks with no compression. - Enable LZ4 compression for writing. - Fix bug in blosc compression that could result in larger chunks than necessary. - Improve speed of indexing when combining chunks into the final output array. Changes in version 0.99.5 - Fixed bug when specifying nested chunks, where the chunk couldn't be written unless the directory already existed. Changes in version 0.99.4 - When writing chunks that overlap the array edge, even the undefined overhang region should be written to disk. Changes in version 0.99.3 - Allow choice between column and row ordering when creating a Zarr array Changes in version 0.99.2 - Catch bug when chunk files contain values outside the array extent. - Add manual page issues identified by BBS Changes in version 0.99.1 - Switch from aws.s3 to for S3 data retrieval. Changes in version 0.99.0 - Initial Bioconductor submission. Changes in version 0.0.1 - Added a file to track changes to the package.