Changes in version 0.1.0 (2020-11-02): + Initial commit + Creation of the imcdatasets package + Added the damond-pancreas-2019 dataset Changes in version 0.99.0 (2020-11-12): + Extended vignette + Added function documentation + Added dataset documentation + Formatted the package for Bioconductor submission Changes in version 0.99.6 (2021-03-23): + Added data from Jackson, Fischer et al. Nature 578,615–620(2020) Changes in version 0.99.7 (2021-03-24): + Improved documentation + pkgdown website Changes in version 0.99.8 (2021-04-15): + Allow on disk storage of images and masks Changes in version 0.99.9 (2021-04-20): + Added data from Zanotelli et al. Mol Syst Biol 16:e9798(2020) Changes in version 1.0.0 (2021-05-19): + First release version in Bioconductor Changes in version 1.1.1 (2021-05-25): + Added documentation (dataset list in README, print out examples in help pages) Changes in version 1.4.1 (2022-06-29): + Added deprecation note for .onLoad functions