## ----chunk_settings, eval = T, echo = F, warning = F, message = F------------- library(recountmethylation) library(basilisk) library(reticulate) library(HDF5Array) library(ggplot2) knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) ## ----setup, echo = F---------------------------------------------------------- # si.dpath <- system.file("extdata", "sitest", package = "recountmethylation") # # get object paths # bval.fpath <- file.path(si.dpath, "bval_100.csv") # fhtable.fpath <- file.path(si.dpath, "bval_100_fh10.csv") # md.fpath <- file.path(si.dpath, "mdf_sitest.rda") # # load objects # bval <- read.csv(bval.fpath) # fhtable <- read.csv(fhtable.fpath) # md <- get(load(md.fpath)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # recountmethylation:::setup_sienv(env.name = "dnam_si_vignette") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # gr.fname <- "gr-noob_h5se_hm450k-epic-merge_0-0-3" # gr <- HDF5Array::loadHDF5SummarizedExperiment(gr.fname) # md <- as.data.frame(colData(gr)) # get sample metadata ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # identify samples from metadata # gseid <- "GSE67393" # gsmv <- md[md$gse == gseid,]$gsm # get study samples # gsmv <- gsmv[sample(length(gsmv), 10)] ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # get random samples by group label # set.seed(1) # mdf <- md[md$blood.subgroup=="PBMC",] # gsmv <- c(gsmv, mdf[sample(nrow(mdf), 20),]$gsm) # mdf <- md[md$blood.subgroup=="whole_blood",] # gsmv <- c(gsmv, mdf[sample(nrow(mdf), 20),]$gsm) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # norm bvals for probe subset # num.cg <- 100 # grf <- gr[,gr$gsm %in% gsmv]; dim(grf) # bval <- getBeta(grf[sample(nrow(grf), num.cg),]) # bval <- t(bval) # get transpose # rownames(bval) <- gsub("\\..*", "", rownames(bval)) # format rownames ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # save bval table # bval.fpath <- paste0("bval_",num.cg,".csv") # write.csv(bval, file = bval.fpath) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # get example table and labels # num.dim <- 10 # target reduced dimensions # fhtable.fpath <- "bval_100_fh10.csv" # recountmethylation:::get_fh(csv_savepath = fhtable.fpath, # csv_openpath = bval.fpath, # ndim = num.dim) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # set file paths # si.fname.str <- "new_search_index" # si.fpath <- file.path(si.dpath, paste0(si.fname.str, ".pickle")) # sidict.fpath <- file.path(si.dpath, paste0(si.fname.str, "_dict.pickle")) # # make the new search index # recountmethylation:::make_si(fh_csv_fpath = fhtable.fpath, # si_fname = si.fpath, # si_dict_fname = sidict.fpath) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # query.gsmv <- c("GSM1506297", "GSM1646161", "GSM1646175", "GSM1649753", "GSM1649758", "GSM1649762") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # lkval <- c(1, 5, 10, 20) # vector of query k values ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # si_fpath <- system.file("extdata", "sitest", package = "recountmethylation") # dfnn <- recountmethylation:::query_si(sample_idv = query.gsmv, # fh_csv_fpath = fhtable.fpath, # si_fname = "new_search_index", # si_fpath = si_fpath, # lkval = lkval) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dim(dfnn) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # colnames(dfnn) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # unlist(strsplit(dfnn[1,"k=1"], ";")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # unlist(strsplit(dfnn[1,"k=5"], ";")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # unlist(strsplit(dfnn[1,"k=10"], ";")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # gsmvi <- unlist(strsplit(dfnn[1, "k=5"], ";")) # blood.typev <- md[gsmvi,]$blood.subgroup ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dist.wb <- unlist(lapply(seq(nrow(dfnn)), function(ii){ # gsmvi <- unlist(strsplit(dfnn[ii,"k=20"], ";")) # length(which(md[gsmvi,]$blood.subgroup=="whole_blood")) # })) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dfp <- data.frame(num.samples = dist.wb) # dfp$perc.samples <- 100*dfp$num.samples/20 # dfp$type <- "whole_blood" # ggplot(dfp, aes(x = type, y = perc.samples)) + # geom_violin() + geom_boxplot(width = 0.2) + theme_bw() + # ylab("Percent of neighbors") + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank()) + # scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format(scale = 1)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # function to get samples by label # get_dfgrp <- function(md, ugroupv = c("whole_blood", "PBMC", "other/NOS")){ # do.call(rbind, lapply(c("whole_blood", "PBMC", "other/NOS"), function(ugroupi){ # num.grp <- length(which(md[ugroupv,]$blood.subgroup==ugroupi)) # data.frame(num.samples = num.grp, type = ugroupi) # })) # } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # get samples by label across queries # dfp <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq(nrow(dfnn)), function(ii){ # get_dfgrp(md = md, unlist(strsplit(dfnn[ii,"k=20"], ";"))) # })) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # format dfp variables for plots # dfp$perc.samples <- 100*dfp$num.samples/20 # # reorder on medians # medianv <- unlist(lapply(c("whole_blood", "PBMC", "other/NOS"), function(groupi){ # median(dfp[dfp$type==groupi,]$perc.samples)})) # # define legend groups # dfp$`Sample\ntype` <- factor(dfp$type, levels = c("whole_blood", "PBMC", "other/NOS")[order(medianv)]) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # make new composite plot # ggplot(dfp, aes(x = `Sample\ntype`, y = perc.samples, fill = `Sample\ntype`)) + # geom_violin() + geom_boxplot(width = 0.2) + theme_bw() + # ylab("Percent of neighbors") + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank()) + # scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format(scale = 1)) ## ---- eval = T---------------------------------------------------------------- utils::sessionInfo()