## ----load_profiler, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------- # if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # BiocManager::install("TBSignatureProfiler") ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(TBSignatureProfiler) library(SummarizedExperiment) }) ## ----Run_shiny_app, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------- # TBSPapp() ## ----loading_data------------------------------------------------------------- ## HIV/TB gene expression data, included in the package hivtb_data <- TB_hiv ### Note that we have 25,369 genes, 33 samples, and 1 assay of counts dim(hivtb_data) # We start with only one assay assays(hivtb_data) ## ----add_assays--------------------------------------------------------------- ## Make a log counts, CPM and log CPM assay hivtb_data <- mkAssay(hivtb_data, log = TRUE, counts_to_CPM = TRUE) ### Check to see that we now have 4 assays assays(hivtb_data) ## ----run_data----------------------------------------------------------------- ## List all signatures in the profiler data("TBsignatures") names(TBsignatures) ## We can use all of these signatures for further analysis siglist_hivtb <- names(TBsignatures) ## ----run_profiler------------------------------------------------------------- ## Run the TBSignatureProfiler to score the signatures in the data out <- capture.output(ssgsea_result <- runTBsigProfiler(input = hivtb_data, useAssay = "log_counts_cpm", signatures = TBsignatures, algorithm = "ssGSEA", combineSigAndAlgorithm = TRUE, parallel.sz = 1)) ## Remove any signatures that were not scored TBsignatures <- subset(TBsignatures, !(names(TBsignatures) %in% c("Chendi_HIV_2"))) ## ----show_scores, message = FALSE--------------------------------------------- ## New colData entries from the Profiler sigs <- c("Anderson_42", "Anderson_OD_51", "Berry_393") ssgsea_print_results <- as.data.frame(colData(ssgsea_result))[, c("Disease", sigs)] ssgsea_print_results[, 2:4] <- round(ssgsea_print_results[, 2:4], 4) DT::datatable(ssgsea_print_results) ## ----all_sigs_heatmap, message = FALSE, fig.height = 9------------------------ # Colors for gradient colors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(6, "Spectral") col.me <- circlize::colorRamp2(seq(from = -2, to = 2, length.out = 6), colors) signatureHeatmap(ssgsea_result, name = "Heatmap of Signatures, ssGSEA Algorithm", signatureColNames = names(TBsignatures), annotationColNames = "Disease", scale = TRUE, showColumnNames = TRUE, choose_color = col.me) ## ----Boxplots_all, message = FALSE, results = 'hide', fig.height = 9, fig.width=15---- signatureBoxplot(inputData = ssgsea_result, name = "Boxplots of Signatures, ssGSEA", signatureColNames = names(TBsignatures), annotationColName = "Disease", rotateLabels = FALSE) ## ----compareAlgs_ex, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE------------------------- # Heatmap compareAlgs(hivtb_data, annotationColName = "Disease", scale = TRUE, algorithm = c("GSVA", "ssGSEA", "singscore", "PLAGE", "Zscore"), useAssay = "log_counts", signatures = TBsignatures[1], choose_color = col.me, show.pb = FALSE, parallel.sz = 1) # Boxplot compareAlgs(hivtb_data, annotationColName = "Disease", scale = TRUE, algorithm = c("GSVA", "ssGSEA", "singscore", "PLAGE", "Zscore"), useAssay = "log_counts", signatures = TBsignatures[1], choose_color = col.me, show.pb = FALSE, parallel.sz = 1, output = "boxplot") ## ----session info------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()