--- title: "Choosing Resources" author: "Michael T. Zimmermann" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Choosing Resources} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- RITAN indexes multiple resources and choosing which of them are most relevant for your study can be a challenge. To help with this process, we provide below a set of examples from different types of studies and the thinking behind which resources were used. # Resources Indexed by default ```{r first_load, echo=TRUE, warning=FALSE, results='hide', message=FALSE} library(RITANdata) library(RITAN) library(knitr) kable( attr(network_list, 'network_data_sources') ) kable( sapply(geneset_list, length), col.names = c('# Genesets') ) ``` While many resources contain information about protein complexes (obligate interactions) and protein-protein interactions (often transient), some use experimental techniques that are specific for physical ineractions. Determining whihc resources indicate physical, through-metabolite, and through-DNA (i.e. transcription factors) interactions, we recommend: 1) each resource's primary publication 2) the [pathguide](http://www.pathguide.org/) website 3) the following guidelines # Example: Protein Complexes & Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) ```{r geneset_overlap_P, echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.width = 7, fig.height = 7, fig.align='center'} genes <- geneset_list$MSigDB_C5$APICAL_JUNCTION_COMPLEX e <- network_overlap( genes, resources = c('CCSB','STRING'), minStringScore = 700 ) ## We also strongly encourage use of the BioPlex database, which we do not distribute with RITAN in compliance with their licensing. ``` # Example: Metabolic Network Interaction ```{r geneset_overlap_M, echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.width = 7, fig.height = 7, fig.align='center'} genes2 <- geneset_list$MSigDB_C5$AMINE_METABOLIC_PROCESS e2 <- network_overlap( genes, resources = c('PID','HumanNet') ) ``` # Example: Expression Signalling ```{r geneset_overlap_E, echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.width = 7, fig.height = 7, fig.align='center'} genes2 <- geneset_list$MSigDB_C5$AMINE_METABOLIC_PROCESS e2 <- network_overlap( genes, resources = c('ChEA','HumanNet') ) ```