## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", crop = NULL ## Related to https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/bioc-devel/2020-April/016656.html ) ## ---- message = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- library(scp) data("scp1") scp1 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- normByType <- function(x, type) { ## Check argument stopifnot(length(type) == ncol(x)) ## Normalize for each type separately for (i in type) { ## Get normalization factor nf <- rowMedians(x[, type == i], na.rm = TRUE) ## Perform normalization x[, type == i] <- x[, type == i] / nf } ## Return normalized data x } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sce <- getWithColData(scp1, "proteins") sce ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mnorm <- normByType(assay(sce), type = sce$SampleType) assay(sce) <- mnorm ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- scp1 <- addAssay(scp1, sce, name = "proteinsNorm") scp1 <- addAssayLinkOneToOne(scp1, from = "proteins", to = "proteinsNorm") scp1 ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # scp1[["proteins"]] <- sce ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- validObject(scp1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- m <- assay(scp1, "proteins") meanExprs <- colMeans(m, na.rm = TRUE) meanExprs ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- colData(scp1)[names(meanExprs), "meanProtExprs"] <- meanExprs ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- hist(log2(scp1$meanProtExprs)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- validObject(scp1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Initialize the List object that will store the computed values res <- List() ## We compute the metric for the first 3 assays for (i in 1:3) { ## We get the quantitative values for the current assay m <- assay(scp1[[i]]) ## We compute the number of samples in which each features is detected n <- rowSums(!is.na(m) & m != 0) ## We store the result as a DataFrame in the List res[[i]] <- DataFrame(nbSamples = n) } names(res) <- names(scp1)[1:3] res res[[1]] ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rowData(scp1) <- res ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library("ggplot2") rd <- rbindRowData(scp1, i = 1:3) ggplot(data.frame(rd)) + aes(x = nbSamples) + geom_histogram(bins = 16) + facet_wrap(~ assay) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- validObject(scp1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- computeNbDetectedSamples <- function(object, i) { res <- List() for (ii in i) { m <- assay(object[[ii]]) n <- rowSums(!is.na(m) & m != 0) res[[ii]] <- DataFrame(nbSamples = n) } names(res) <- names(object)[i] rowData(object) <- res stopifnot(validObject(object)) object } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- scp1 <- computeNbDetectedSamples(scp1, i = 1:3) ## ----setup2, include = FALSE-------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "", crop = NULL ) ## ----sessioninfo, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()