--- title: "Segmented block bootstrap" author: "Wancen Mu" date: "`r format(Sys.Date(), '%m/%d/%Y')`" bibliography: library.bib output: rmarkdown::html_document: highlight: tango toc: true toc_float: true vignette: | %\VignetteIndexEntry{4. Segmented block bootstrap} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- # Introduction ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=5, fig.height=5) ``` The following vignette describes the *nullranges* implementation of the block bootstrap with respect to a genomic segmentation. See the main nullranges vignette for an overview of the idea of bootstrapping, and there is additionally a vignette on block boostrapping without respect to segmentation. As proposed by @bickel_2010, *nullranges* contains an implementation of a block bootstrap, such that features are sampled from the genome in blocks. Blocks are sampled and placed within regions of a genome *segmentation*. That is, for a genome segmented into states 1,2,...,S, blocks from state *s* will be used to tile the ranges of state *s* in each bootstrap sample. The segmented block bootstrap has two options, either: * Perform a de-novo segmentation of the genome using feature density, e.g. gene density * Use exiting segmentation (e.g. ChromHMM, etc.) downloaded from AnnotationHub or external to Bioconductor (BED files imported with *rtracklayer*) In this vignette, we give an example of segmenting the hg38 genome by Ensembl gene density, then we profile the time to generate a single block bootstrap sample. Finally, we use a toy dataset to visualize what a segmented block bootstrap sample looks like with respect to a genome segmentation. Future versions of this vignette will demonstrate the functions used within an overlap analysis. See also the unsegmented block bootstrap vignette in *nullranges*, if it is not desired to bootstrap with respect to a genome segmentation. A finally consideration is whether the blocks should scale proportionally to the segment state length, with the default setting of `proportionLength=TRUE`. When blocks scale proportionally, `blockLength` provides the maximal length of a block, while the actual block length used for a segmentation state is proportional to the fraction of genomic basepairs covered by that state. This option is visualized on toy data at the end of this vignette. # Segmentation by gene density First we obtain the Ensembl genes [@ensembl2021] for segmenting by gene density. We obtain these using the *ensembldb* package [@ensembldb]. ```{r} suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86)) edb <- EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86 filt <- AnnotationFilterList(GeneIdFilter("ENSG", "startsWith")) g <- genes(edb, filter = filt) ``` We perform some processing to align the sequences (chromosomes) of `g` with our excluded regions and our features of interest (DNase hypersensitive sites, or DHS, defined below). ```{r} library(GenomeInfoDb) g <- keepStandardChromosomes(g, pruning.mode = "coarse") seqlevels(g, pruning.mode="coarse") <- setdiff(seqlevels(g), "MT") # normally we would assign a new style, but for recent host issues ## seqlevelsStyle(g) <- "UCSC" seqlevels(g) <- paste0("chr", seqlevels(g)) genome(g) <- "hg38" g <- sortSeqlevels(g) g <- sort(g) table(seqnames(g)) ``` ## Import excluded regions We next import excluded regions, as created by @encode_exclude, and packaged for R/Bioconductor in the *excluderanges* package by Mikhail Dozmorov. ```{r} suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(AnnotationHub)) library(excluderanges) ah <- AnnotationHub() # `excludeGR.hg38.Kundaje.1` -- see excluderanges vignette exclude <- ah[["AH95917"]] all(seqlengths(g) == seqlengths(exclude)) ``` ## CBS segmentation We first demonstrate the use a CBS segmentation as implemented in *DNAcopy* [@dnacopy]. We load the *nullranges* and *plyranges* packages, and *patchwork* in order to produce grids of plots. ```{r} library(nullranges) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(plyranges)) library(patchwork) ``` We subset the excluded ranges to those which are 500 bp or larger. The motivation for this step is to avoid segmenting the genome into many small pieces due to an abundance of short excluded regions. Note that we re-save the excluded ranges to `exclude`. ```{r seg-cbs} set.seed(5) exclude <- exclude %>% plyranges::filter(width(exclude) >= 500) L_s <- 1e6 seg <- segmentDensity(g, n = 3, L_s = L_s, exclude = exclude, type = "cbs") plots <- lapply(c("ranges","barplot","boxplot"), function(t) { plotSegment(seg, exclude, type = t) }) plots[[1]] plots[[2]] + plots[[3]] ``` Note here, the default *ranges* plot gives whole genome and every fractured bind regions represents state transformations happens. However, some transformations within small ranges cannot be visualized, e.g 1kb. If user want to look into specific ranges of segmentation state, the *region* argument is flexible to support. ```{r} region <- GRanges("chr16", IRanges(3e7,4e7)) plotSegment(seg, exclude, type="ranges", region=region) ``` ## Alternatively: HMM segmentation Here we use an alternative segmentation implemented in the *RcppHMM* CRAN package, using the `initGHMM`, `learnEM`, and `viterbi` functions. ```{r seg-hmm} seg_hmm <- segmentDensity(g, n = 3, L_s = L_s, exclude = exclude, type = "hmm") plots <- lapply(c("ranges","barplot","boxplot"), function(t) { plotSegment(seg_hmm, exclude, type = t) }) plots[[1]] plots[[2]] + plots[[3]] ``` # Segmented block bootstrap We use a set of DNase hypersensitivity sites (DHS) from the ENCODE project [@encode] in A549 cell line (ENCSR614GWM). Here, for speed, we work with a pre-processed data object from ExperimentHub, created using the following steps: * Download ENCODE DNase hypersensitive peaks in A549 from *AnnotationHub* * Subset to standard chromosomes and remove mitochondrial DNA * Use a chain file from UCSC to lift ranges from hg19 to hg38 * Sort the DHS features to be bootstrapped These steps are included in *nullrangesData* in the `inst/scripts/make-dhs-data.R ` script. ```{r} suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(nullrangesData)) dhs <- DHSA549Hg38() table(seqnames(dhs)) ``` Now we apply a segmented block bootstrap with blocks of size 500kb, to the peaks. Here we simply show generation of two iterations of a block bootstrap, while we plan in future sections of this vignette to demonstrate its use in a workflow including *plyranges* [@Lee2019]. ```{r} blockLength <- 5e5 br <- bootRanges(dhs, blockLength, R = 2, seg = seg, exclude=exclude) br ``` **What is returned here?** The `bootRanges` function returns a *bootRanges* object, which is a simple sub-class of *GRanges*. The iteration (`iter`) and the block length (`blockLength`) are recorded as metadata columns, accessible via `mcols`. We chose to return the bootstrapped ranges as *GRanges* rather than *GRangesList*, as the former is more compatible with downstream overlap joins with *plyranges*, where the iteration column can be used with `group_by` to provide per bootstrap summary statistics. Note that we use the `exclude` object from the previous step, which does not contain small ranges. If one wanted to also avoid generation of bootstrapped features that overlap small excluded ranges, then omit this filtering step (use the original, complete `exclude` feature set). # Timing on DHS peaks Here, we test the speed of the various options for bootstrapping (see below for visualization of the difference). ```{r} library(microbenchmark) microbenchmark( list=alist( prop = bootRanges(dhs, blockLength, seg = seg, proportionLength = TRUE), no_prop = bootRanges(dhs, blockLength, seg = seg, proportionLength = FALSE) ), times=10) ``` # Visualizing toy bootstrap samples Below we present a toy example for visualizing the segmented block bootstrap. First, we define a helper function for plotting *GRanges* using *plotgardener* [@Kramer2021]. A key aspect here is that we color the original and bootstrapped ranges by the genomic state (the state of the segmentation that the original ranges fall in). ```{r} suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(plotgardener)) my_palette <- function(n) { head(c("red","green3","red3","dodgerblue", "blue2","green4","darkred"), n) } plotGRanges <- function(gr) { pageCreate(width = 5, height = 5, xgrid = 0, ygrid = 0, showGuides = TRUE) for (i in seq_along(seqlevels(gr))) { chrom <- seqlevels(gr)[i] chromend <- seqlengths(gr)[[chrom]] suppressMessages({ p <- pgParams(chromstart = 0, chromend = chromend, x = 0.5, width = 4*chromend/500, height = 2, at = seq(0, chromend, 50), fill = colorby("state_col", palette=my_palette)) prngs <- plotRanges(data = gr, params = p, chrom = chrom, y = 2 * i, just = c("left", "bottom")) annoGenomeLabel(plot = prngs, params = p, y = 0.1 + 2 * i) }) } } ``` Create a toy genome segmentation: ```{r} library(GenomicRanges) seq_nms <- rep(c("chr1","chr2"), c(4,3)) seg <- GRanges( seqnames = seq_nms, IRanges(start = c(1, 101, 201, 401, 1, 201, 301), width = c(100, 100, 200, 100, 200, 100, 100)), seqlengths=c(chr1=500,chr2=400), state = c(1,2,1,3,3,2,1), state_col = factor(1:7) ) ``` We can visualize with our helper function: ```{r toysegments} plotGRanges(seg) ``` Now create small ranges distributed uniformly across the toy genome: ```{r toyranges} set.seed(1) n <- 200 gr <- GRanges( seqnames=sort(sample(c("chr1","chr2"), n, TRUE)), IRanges(start=round(runif(n, 1, 500-10+1)), width=10) ) suppressWarnings({ seqlengths(gr) <- seqlengths(seg) }) gr <- gr[!(seqnames(gr) == "chr2" & end(gr) > 400)] gr <- sort(gr) idx <- findOverlaps(gr, seg, type="within", select="first") gr <- gr[!is.na(idx)] idx <- idx[!is.na(idx)] gr$state <- seg$state[idx] gr$state_col <- factor(seg$state_col[idx]) plotGRanges(gr) ``` ## Not scaling by segmentation We can visualize block bootstrapped ranges when the blocks do not scale to segment state length: ```{r toy-no-prop} set.seed(1) gr_prime <- bootRanges(gr, blockLength = 25, seg = seg, proportionLength = FALSE) plotGRanges(gr_prime) ``` ## Scaling by segmentation This time the blocks scale to the segment state length. Note that in this case `blockLength` is the *maximal* block length possible, but the actual block lengths per segment will be smaller (proportional to the fraction of basepairs covered by that state in the genome segmentation). ```{r toy-prop} set.seed(1) gr_prime <- bootRanges(gr, blockLength = 50, seg = seg, proportionLength = TRUE) plotGRanges(gr_prime) ``` Note that some ranges from adjacent states are allowed to be placed within different states in the bootstrap sample. This is because, during the random sampling of blocks of original data, a block is allowed to extend beyond the segmentation region of the state being sampled, and features from adjacent states are not excluded from the sampled block. # Session information ```{r} sessionInfo() ``` # References