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The large cohort allows for estimating a base-specific error profile on each position, which is modelled by a beta-binomial. A prior can be useded to selectively increase the power of calling variants on known mutational hotspots. The algorithm is similar to deepSNV, but uses a slightly different parametrization and a Bayes factors instead of a likelihood ratio test. If you are using \texttt{shearwater}, please cite \begin{itemize} \item <>= print(citation("deepSNV")[2], style="LaTeX") @ \end{itemize} \section{The statistical model} \subsection{Definition} Suppose you have an experimental setup with multiple unrelated samples. Let the index $i$ denote the sample, $j$ the genomic position and $k$ a particular nucleotide. Let $X_{ijk}$ and $X_{ijk}'$ denote the counts of nucleotide $k$ in sample $i$ on position $j$ in forward and reverse read orientation, respectively. We assume that \begin{align} X &\sim \BB(n, \mu, \rho) \cr X' &\sim \BB(n', \mu', \rho). \label{eq:sample} \end{align} are beta-binomially distributed. To test if there is a variant $k$ in sample $i$, we compare the counts to a compound reference $\boldmath{X}_{ijk} = \sum_{h \in H} X_{hjk}$ and $\boldmath{X}_{ijk}' = \sum_{h \in H} X_{hjk}'$. The subset of indeces $H$ is usually chosen such that $H =\{h:h\neq j\}$, that is the row sums $X_{ijk}$ and $X_{ijk}'$. To reduce the effect of true variants in other samples entering the compound reference, one may also choose $H$ such that it only includes sample $h$ with variant allele frequencies below a user defined threshold, typically 10\%. We model the compound reference again as a beta-binomial, \begin{align} \mathbf{X} &\sim \BB(\mathbf{n}, \nu, \rho) \cr \mathbf{X}' &\sim \BB(\mathbf{n'}, \nu', \rho). \label{eq:control} \end{align} \subsection{Testing for variants} Testing for the presence of a variant can now be formulated as a model selection problem in which we specify a null model and an alternative. Here we consider two options, "OR" and "AND". \subsubsection{The OR model} The OR model is defined in the following way: \begin{align} M_0 &: \quad \mu = \nu \quad \vee \quad \mu' = \nu' \cr M_1 &: \quad \mu = \mu' > \nu, \nu'. \label{eq:alternatives} \end{align} Under the null model $M_0$, the mean rates of the beta-binomials are identical in sample $i$ and the compound reference on at least one strand. Under the alternative model $M_1$, the mean rates $\mu,\mu'$ are identical on both strands and greater than the mean in the compound reference on both strands. Here we use the following point estimates for the parameters: \begin{align} \hat{\mu} &= (X+X')/(n+n') \cr \hat{\nu} & = \mathbf{X} / \mathbf{n} \cr \hat{\nu}' & = \mathbf{X'} / \mathbf{n'} \cr \hat{\nu}_0 &= (X + \mathbf{X}) / (n + \mathbf{n}) \cr \hat{\nu}_0' &= (X' + \mathbf{X}') / (n' + \mathbf{n}') \cr \hat{\mu}_0 &= X/n \cr \hat{\mu}'_0 &= X'/n'. \label{eq:mu} \end{align} Using these values, the Bayes factor is approximated by \begin{align} \frac{\Pr(D\mid M_0)}{ \Pr(D\mid M_1)} &= \frac{\Pr(X |\hat{\nu}_0) \Pr(X' | \hat{\mu}_0') \Pr(\mathbf{X} | \hat{\nu}_0) }{\Pr(X |\hat{\mu}) \Pr(X' | \hat{\mu}) \Pr(\mathbf{X} | \hat{\nu})} \cr & \quad + \frac{\Pr(X |\hat{\mu}_0) \Pr(X' | \hat{\nu}_0') \Pr(\mathbf{X}' | \hat{\nu}_0') }{\Pr(X |\hat{\mu}) \Pr(X' | \hat{\mu}) \Pr(\mathbf{X}' | \hat{\nu}')} \cr & \quad - \frac{\Pr(X |\hat{\nu}_0) \Pr(\mathbf{X} | \hat{\nu}_0) \Pr(X' | \hat{\nu}_0') \Pr(\mathbf{X}' | \hat{\nu}_0') } {\Pr(X |\hat{\mu}) \Pr(\mathbf{X} | \hat{\nu}) \Pr(X' | \hat{\mu}) \Pr(\mathbf{X}' | \hat{\nu}')} \label{eq:BayesFactor} \end{align} \paragraph{Example} The Bayes factors can be computed using the \texttt{bbb} command: <>= library(deepSNV) library(RColorBrewer) n <- 100 ## Coverage n_samples <- 1000 ## Assume 1000 samples x <- 0:20 ## Nucleotide counts X <- cbind(rep(x, each = length(x)), rep(x, length(x))) ## All combinations forward and reverse par(bty="n", mgp = c(2,.5,0), mar=c(3,3,2,2)+.1, las=1, tcl=-.33, mfrow=c(2,2)) for(nu in 10^c(-4,-2)){ ## Loop over error rates ## Create counts array with errors counts = aperm(array(c(rep(round(n_samples*n* c(nu,1-nu,nu,1-nu)), each=nrow(X)), cbind(n - X, X)[,c(3,1,4,2)]), dim=c(nrow(X) ,4,2)), c(3,1,2)) for(rho in c(1e-4, 1e-2)){ ## Loop over dispersion factors ## Compute Bayes factors BF = bbb(counts, rho=rho, model="OR", return="BF") ## Plot image(z=log10(matrix(BF[2,,1], nrow=length(x))), x=x, y=x, breaks=c(-100,-8:0), col=rev(brewer.pal(9,"Reds")), xlab = "Forward allele count", ylab="Backward allele count", main = paste("rho =", format(rho, digits=2), "nu = ", format(nu, digits=2)), font.main=1) text(X[,1],X[,2],ceiling(log10(matrix(BF[2,,1], nrow=length(x)))), cex=0.5) } } @ Here we have used a coverage of $n=100$ on both strands and computed the Bayes factors assuming 1,000 samples to estimate the error rate $\nu=\nu'$ from. Shown are results for fixed values of $rho=\{10^{-4},10^{-2}\}$. \subsubsection{The AND model} The AND model is defined in the following way: \begin{align} M_0 &: \quad \mu = \nu \quad \wedge \quad \mu' = \nu' \cr M_1 &: \quad \mu = \mu' > \nu, \nu'. \label{eq:alternatives} \end{align} Here the null model states that the error rates $\nu=\mu$ and $\nu'=\mu'$ are identical on both strands, which is more restrictive and hence in favour of the alternative. In this case the Bayes factor is approximately \begin{align} \frac{\Pr(D\mid M_0)}{ \Pr(D\mid M_1)} &= \frac{\Pr(X |\hat{\nu}_0) \Pr(\mathbf{X} | \hat{\nu}_0) \Pr(X' | \hat{\nu}_0') \Pr(\mathbf{X}' | \hat{\nu}_0') } {\Pr(X |\hat{\mu}) \Pr(\mathbf{X} | \hat{\nu}) \Pr(X' | \hat{\mu}) \Pr(\mathbf{X}' | \hat{\nu}')} \label{eq:BayesFactor} \end{align} \paragraph{Example} The behaviour of the AND model can be inspected by the following commands <>= par(bty="n", mgp = c(2,.5,0), mar=c(3,3,2,2)+.1, las=1, tcl=-.33, mfrow=c(2,2)) for(nu in 10^c(-4,-2)){ ## Loop over error rates ## Create counts array with errors counts = aperm(array(c(rep(round(n_samples*n* c(nu,1-nu,nu,1-nu)), each=nrow(X)), cbind(n - X, X)[,c(3,1,4,2)]), dim=c(nrow(X) ,4,2)), c(3,1,2)) for(rho in c(1e-4, 1e-2)){ ## Loop over dispersion factors ## Compute Bayes factors, mode = "AND" BF = bbb(counts, rho=rho, model="AND", return="BF") ## Plot image(z=log10(matrix(BF[2,,1], nrow=length(x))), x=x, y=x, breaks=c(-100,-8:0), col=rev(brewer.pal(9,"Reds")), xlab = "Forward allele count", ylab="Backward allele count", main = paste("rho =", format(rho, digits=2), "nu = ", format(nu, digits=2)), font.main=1) text(X[,1],X[,2],ceiling(log10(matrix(BF[2,,1], nrow=length(x)))), cex=0.5) } } @ One realises that for small dispersion the Bayes factor depends mostly on the sum of the forward and reverse strands in the AND model. \subsection{Estimating $\rho$} If the dispersion parameter $\rho$ is not specified, it is estiated at each locus using the following method-of-moment estimator: \begin{align} \hat\rho &= \frac{N s^2/ (1-\hat\nu)/ \hat\nu - \sum_{i=1}^N 1/n_i }{N - \sum_{i=1}^N 1/n_i } \cr s^2 &= \frac{N \sum_{i=1}^N n_i(\hat\nu - \hat\mu_i)^2}{(N-1) \sum_{i=1}^N n_i}. \end{align} This yields consistent estimates over a range of true values: <>= rho = 10^seq(-6,-1) rhoHat <- sapply(rho, function(r){ sapply(1:100, function(i){ n = 100 X = rbetabinom(1000, n, 0.01, rho=r) X = cbind(X, n-X) Y = array(X, dim=c(1000,1,2)) deepSNV:::estimateRho(Y, Y/n, Y < 1000)[1,1]}) }) par(bty="n", mgp = c(2,.5,0), mar=c(3,4,1,1)+.1, tcl=-.33) plot(rho, type="l", log="y", xaxt="n", xlab="rho", ylab="rhoHat", xlim=c(0.5,6.5), lty=3) boxplot(t(rhoHat+ 1e-7) ~ rho, add=TRUE, col="#FFFFFFAA", pch=16, cex=.5, lty=1, staplewex=0) points(colMeans(rhoHat), pch="*", col="red", cex=2) @ \subsection{Using a prior} \texttt{shearwater} calls variants if the posterior probability that the null model $M_0$ is true falls below a certain threshold. Generally, the posterior odds is given by \begin{equation} \frac{\Pr(M_0\mid D)}{ \Pr(M_1 \mid D)} = \frac{1-\pi(M_1))}{\pi(M_1)} \frac{\Pr(D\mid M_0)}{ \Pr(D\mid M_1)} \end{equation} where $\pi = \pi(M_1)$ is the prior probability of that a variant exists. These probabilities are not uniform and may be calculated from the distribution of observed somatic mutations. Such data can be found in the COSMIC data base \url{http://www.sanger.ac.uk/cosmic}. As of now, the amount of systematic, genome-wide screening data is still sparse, which makes it difficult to get good estimates of the mutation frequencies in each cancer type. However, a wealth of data exists for somatic mutations within a given gene. Assume we know how likely it is that a gene is mutated. We then model \begin{equation} \pi = \begin{cases} \pi_\text{gene} \times \frac{\text{\# Mutations at given position}}{\text{\# Mutations in gene}} & \text{if variant in COSMIC}\cr \pi_\text{background} & \text{else}. \end{cases} \end{equation} Suppose you have downloaded the COSMIC vcf \verb+"CosmicCodingMuts_v63_300113.vcf.gz"+ from \url{ftp://ngs.sanger.ac.uk/production/cosmic}. <>= ## Not run.. ## Load TxDb library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene) txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene seqlevels(txdb) <- sub("chr","",seqlevels(txdb)) ## Make prior regions <- reduce(exons(txdb, filter=list(gene_id='7157'))) ## TP53 exons cosmic <- readVcf("CosmicCodingMuts_v63_300113.vcf.gz", "hg19", param=ScanVcfParam(which=regions)) pi <- makePrior(cosmic, regions, pi.gene = 1) @ The resulting prior can be visualised: <>= ## Load pi data(pi, package="deepSNV") ## Plot par(bty="n", mgp = c(2,.5,0), mar=c(3,3,2,2)+.1, tcl=-.33) plot(pi[,1], type="h", xlab="Position", ylab="Prior", col=brewer.pal(5,"Set1")[1], ylim=c(0,0.075)) for(j in 2:5) lines(pi[,j], type="h", col=brewer.pal(5,"Set1")[j]) legend("topleft", col=brewer.pal(5,"Set1"), lty=1, bty="n", c("A","T","C","G","del")) @ The data shows that the distribution of somatic variants is highly non-uniform, with multiple mutation hotspots. \section{Using shearwater} To run shearwater you need a collection of .bam files and the set of regions you want to analyse as a GRanges() object. Additionally, you may calculate a prior from a VCF file that you can download from \url{ftp://ngs.sanger.ac.uk/production/cosmic}. \subsection{Minimal example} Here is a minimal example that uses two .bam files from the deepSNV package. The data is loaded into a large array using the \texttt{loadAllData()} function: <<>>= ## Load data from deepSNV example regions <- GRanges("B.FR.83.HXB2_LAI_IIIB_BRU_K034", IRanges(start = 3120, end=3140)) files <- c(system.file("extdata", "test.bam", package="deepSNV"), system.file("extdata", "control.bam", package="deepSNV")) counts <- loadAllData(files, regions, q=10) dim(counts) @ The dimension of \texttt{counts} for $N$ samples, a total of $L$ positions is $N \times L \times 2|B|$, where $|B|=5$ is the size of the alphabet $B=\{A,T,C,G,-\}$ and the factor of 2 for the two strand orientations. The Bayes factors can be computed with the \texttt{bbb} function: <<>>= ## Run (bbb) computes the Bayes factor bf <- bbb(counts, model = "OR", rho=1e-4) dim(bf) vcf <- bf2Vcf(bf, counts, regions, cutoff = 0.5, samples = files, prior = 0.5, mvcf = TRUE) show(vcf) @ The resulting Bayes factors were thresholded by a posterior \texttt{cutoff} for variant calling and converted into a \texttt{VCF} object by \texttt{bf2Vcf}. For two samples the Bayes factors are very similar to the p-values obtained by \texttt{deepSNV}: <>= ## Shearwater Bayes factor under AND model bf <- bbb(counts, model = "AND", rho=1e-4) ## deepSNV P-value with combine.method="fisher" (product) dpSNV <- deepSNV(test = files[1], control = files[2], regions=regions, q=10, combine.method="fisher") ## Plot par(bty="n", mgp = c(2,.5,0), mar=c(3,3,2,2)+.1, tcl=-.33) plot(p.val(dpSNV), bf[1,,]/(1+bf[1,,]), log="xy", xlab = "P-value deepSNV", ylab = "Posterior odds shearwater" ) @ \subsection{More realistic example} Suppose the bam files are in folder \texttt{./bam} and the regions of interest are stored in a \texttt{GRanges()} object with metadata column \texttt{Gene}, indicating which region (typically exons for a pulldown experiment) belongs to which gene. Also assume that we have a tabix indexed vcf file \verb+CosmicCodingMuts_v63_300113.vcf.gz+. The analysis can be parallelized by separately analysing each gene, which is the unit needed to compute the prior using \texttt{makePrior}. <>= ## Not run files <- dir("bam", pattern="*.bam$", full.names=TRUE) MC_CORES <- getOption("mc.cores", 2L) vcfList <- list() for(gene in levels(mcols(regions)$Gene)){ rgn <- regions[mcols(regions)$Gene==gene] counts <- loadAllData(files, rgn, mc.cores=MC_CORES) ## Split into BF <- mcChunk("bbb", split = 200, counts, mc.cores=MC_CORES) COSMIC <- readVcf("CosmicCodingMuts_v63_300113.vcf.gz", "GRCh37", param=ScanVcfParam(which=rgn) ) prior <- makePrior(COSMIC, rgn, pi.mut = 0.5) vcfList[[gene]] <- bf2Vcf(BF = BF, counts=counts, regions=rgn, samples = files, cutoff = 0.5, prior = prior) } ## Collapse vcfList vcf <- do.call(rbind, vcfList) @ The \texttt{mcChunk} function splits the \texttt{counts} objects into chunks of size split and processes these in parallel using \texttt{mclapply}. Instead of using a for loop one can also use a different mechanism, e.g. submitting this code to a computing cluster, etc. \section*{sessionInfo()} <>= toLatex(sessionInfo()) @ \end{document}