Changes in version 3.14 NEW FUNCTIONS - sampleSwaps Given a list BAM files, the function genotypes known SNPs and identifies potentially related samples. BUG FIXES - Return mutCountMatrix output as a matrix Issue: 769 ENHANCEMENTS - Added showPct argument to oncoplot. Issue: Issue: 771 - Silently return sample order from oncoplot and coOncoplots Issue: 771 Changes in version 2.10.05 - Added PALB2 protein structure. Issue: 677 BUG FIXES - annovarToMaf struggles with Variant_Type. Issue: 803 - lollipopPlot2 and Domain Details for Further Analysis Issue: 794 - coOncoplot Ignores Annotation Colours. Issue: 786 - subsetMaf Lost Columns if clinQuery Result is One Row. Issue: 785