Changes in version 1.6.0 o Relaxed the requirements for consistent row names in combineRecomputedResults(). o Support sparse DelayedArray inputs in classifySingleR(). o Parallelize over labels instead of rows in aggregateReference(), with minor changes in the setting of the seed. Restrict the PCA to the top 1000 most highly variable genes, for speed. Changes in version 1.4.0 o Migrated all of the dataset getter functions to the celldex package. o Streamlined the vignette to point to the book at . o Added a restrict= argument to trainSingleR() and SingleR() to easily restrict to a subset of features. o Deprecated the method= argument in SingleR(). o Protect against accidental data.frames in ref= or test= in all functions. Changes in version 1.2.0 o Added support for consolidating labels from multiple references via combineResults(). o Added mappings to standardized Cell Ontology terms in all *Data() functions. o Changed the name of the labels input of plotScoreDistribution() to labels.use for consistency across functions. o Fixed a label from adipocytes to astrocytes in BlueprintEncodeData(). o Removed umlauts from labels (e.g., naive) in NovershternHematopoieticData() to avoid problems with Windows. o Perform PCA before clustering in aggregateReference() for speed and memory efficiency. o Modified genes="all" behavior in trainSingleR() to report DE-based markers for fine-tuning only. Changes in version 1.0.0 o New package SingleR for cell type annotation.