Changes in version 1.8.0 - implemented a novel approach to scoring that uses measurements from panel-based tests such as RT-qPCR and nanostring - implemented a function that returns a set of stable genes we have identified in carcinomas and in blood - fixed bugs in the multiScore function that produced errors when scoring a single sample - fixed bugs in the generateNull function that produced errors when assessing a single geneset - fixed bugs in the vignette Changes in version 1.5.1 - added link to the F1000research published workflow that demonstrates usage of singscore on a real dataset ( - allow labelling of samples on dispersion plots (plotDispersion) in a similar manner to landscape plots (projectScoreLandscape) Changes in version 1.3.2 - allow continous and discrete annotations for plotDispersion and projectScoreLandscape. Annotations can now be part of the score data.frame and then specified as a column name - plot themes updated - citation updated: cite the singscore manuscript - number of bins for the hexbin plot in plotLandscape is determined from the data - fixed bug in calculation of scores. Boundary calculation was previously done with all genes in the gene-set. It should be done with genes present in both the gene-set and the data (i.e. after filtering out those not measured in the data). - TotalDispersion now estimated as the mean of dispersions from the up- and down-regulated gene sets instead of the sum (previous estimate divided by 2) Changes in version 1.2.2 - created a website for the package - added ORCID IDs for authors - added sticker for package Changes in version 0.99.9 - remove internal keyword from generateNull Changes in version 0.99.8 - vectorize getPvals - make toy_epxr_se Changes in version 0.99.5 - represent expression data in SummarizedExperiement dataset - function input checkings - R code re-organised Changes in version 0.99.3 - change argument name bidirectional to knownDirection, default as TRUE Changes in version 0.99.2 - bidirection flag added to simpleScore() function - optimise generateNull() function - change GSEABase from import to Depends