## ----'knitr_options', include = FALSE----------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----vignetteSetup, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning = FALSE---------------- ## Track time spent on making the vignette startTime <- Sys.time() ## Bib setup library("knitcitations") ## Load knitcitations with a clean bibliography cleanbib() cite_options(hyperlink = "to.doc", citation_format = "text", style = "html") # Note links won't show for now due to the following issue # https://github.com/cboettig/knitcitations/issues/63 ## Write bibliography information bib <- c( R = citation(), BiocFileCache = citation("BiocFileCache"), BiocStyle = citation("BiocStyle"), knitcitations = citation("knitcitations"), knitr = citation("knitr")[3], recount3 = citation("recount3")[1], recount3paper = citation("recount3")[2], rmarkdown = citation("rmarkdown"), sessioninfo = citation("sessioninfo"), SummarizedExperiment = RefManageR::BibEntry( bibtype = "manual", key = "SummarizedExperiment", author = "Martin Morgan and Valerie Obenchain and Jim Hester and Hervé Pagès", title = "SummarizedExperiment: SummarizedExperiment container", year = 2019, doi = "10.18129/B9.bioc.SummarizedExperiment" ), testthat = citation("testthat"), covr = citation("covr"), RefManageR = citation("RefManageR"), pryr = citation("pryr"), interactiveDisplayBase = citation("interactiveDisplayBase"), rtracklayer = citation("rtracklayer"), S4Vectors = citation("S4Vectors"), RCurl = citation("RCurl"), data.table = citation("data.table"), R.utils = citation("R.utils"), Matrix = citation("Matrix"), GenomicRanges = citation("GenomicRanges"), recount2paper = citation("recount")[1], recount2workflow = citation("recount")[2], recount1paper = citation("recount")[5], recountbrain = citation("recount")[6], recount2fantom = citation("recount")[7], bioconductor2015 = RefManageR::BibEntry( bibtype = "Article", key = "bioconductor2015", author = "Wolfgang Huber and Vincent J Carey and Robert Gentleman and Simon Anders and Marc Carlson and Benilton S Carvalho and Hector Corrada Bravo and Sean Davis and Laurent Gatto and Thomas Girke and Raphael Gottardo and Florian Hahne and Kasper D Hansen and Rafael A Irizarry and Michael Lawrence and Michael I Love and James MacDonald and Valerie Obenchain and Andrzej K Oles and Hervé Pagès and Alejandro Reyes and Paul Shannon and Gordon K Smyth and Dan Tenenbaum and Levi Waldron and Martin Morgan", title = "Orchestrating high-throughput genomic analysis with Bioconductor", year = 2015, doi = "10.1038/nmeth.3252", journal = "Nature Methods", journaltitle = "Nat Methods" ) ) write.bibtex(bib, file = "quickstartRef.bib") ## ----'install', eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) { # install.packages("BiocManager") # } # # BiocManager::install("recount3") # # ## Check that you have a valid Bioconductor installation # BiocManager::valid() ## ----'install_dev', eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------- # BiocManager::install("LieberInstitute/recount3") ## ----'citation'--------------------------------------------------------------- ## Citation info citation("recount3") ## ----'start', message=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- ## Load recount3 R package library("recount3") ## ----'quick_example'---------------------------------------------------------- ## Find all available human projects human_projects <- available_projects() ## Find the project you are interested in, ## here we use SRP009615 as an example proj_info <- subset( human_projects, project == "SRP009615" & project_type == "data_sources" ) ## Create a RangedSummarizedExperiment (RSE) object at the gene level rse_gene_SRP009615 <- create_rse(proj_info) ## Explore that RSE object rse_gene_SRP009615 ## ----"interactive_display", eval = FALSE-------------------------------------- # ## Note that you can interactively explore the available projects # proj_info_interactive <- interactiveDisplayBase::display(human_projects) # # ## Select a single row, then hit "send". The following code checks this. # stopifnot(nrow(proj_info_interactive) == 1) # # ## Then create the RSE object # rse_gene_interactive <- create_rse(proj_info_interactive) ## ----"tranform_counts"-------------------------------------------------------- ## Once you have your RSE object, you can transform the raw coverage ## base-pair coverage counts using transform_counts(). ## For RPKM, TPM or read outputs, check the details in transform_counts(). assay(rse_gene_SRP009615, "counts") <- transform_counts(rse_gene_SRP009615) ## ----"recountWorkflowFig1", out.width="100%", fig.align="center", fig.cap = "Overview of the data available in recount2 and recount3. Reads (pink boxes) aligned to the reference genome can be used to compute a base-pair coverage curve and identify exon-exon junctions (split reads). Gene and exon count matrices are generated using annotation information providing the gene (green boxes) and exon (blue boxes) coordinates together with the base-level coverage curve. The reads spanning exon-exon junctions (jx) are used to compute a third count matrix that might include unannotated junctions (jx 3 and 4). Without using annotation information, expressed regions (orange box) can be determined from the base-level coverage curve to then construct data-driven count matrices. DOI: < https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.12223.1>.", echo = FALSE---- knitr::include_graphics("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LieberInstitute/recountWorkflow/master/vignettes/Figure1.png") ## ----recountWorkflowFig2, out.width="100%", fig.align="center", fig.cap = "recount2 and recount3 provide coverage count matrices in RangedSummarizedExperiment (rse) objects. Once the rse object has been downloaded and loaded into R (using `recount3::create_rse()` or `recount2::download_study()`), the feature information is accessed with `rowRanges(rse)` (blue box), the counts with assays(rse) (pink box) and the sample metadata with `colData(rse)` (green box). The sample metadata stored in `colData(rse)` can be expanded with custom code (brown box) matching by a unique sample identifier such as the SRA Run ID. The rse object is inside the purple box and matching data is highlighted in each box. DOI: < https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.12223.1>.", echo = FALSE---- knitr::include_graphics("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LieberInstitute/recountWorkflow/master/vignettes/Figure2.png") ## ----"human_projects"--------------------------------------------------------- human_projects <- available_projects() dim(human_projects) head(human_projects) ## Select a study of interest project_info <- subset( human_projects, project == "SRP009615" & project_type == "data_sources" ) project_info ## ----"gtex_projects"---------------------------------------------------------- subset(human_projects, file_source == "gtex" & project_type == "data_sources") ## ----"select_interactively", eval = FALSE------------------------------------- # ## Alternatively, interactively browse the human projects, # ## select one, then hit send # selected_study <- interactiveDisplayBase::display(human_projects) ## ----"display_proj_info"------------------------------------------------------ project_info[, c("project", "organism", "project_home")] ## ----"annotations"------------------------------------------------------------ annotation_options("human") annotation_options("mouse") ## ----"rse_gencode_v26"-------------------------------------------------------- ## Create a RSE object at the gene level rse_gene_SRP009615 <- create_rse(project_info) ## Explore the resulting RSE gene object rse_gene_SRP009615 ## ----"metadata_rse"----------------------------------------------------------- ## Information about how this RSE object was made metadata(rse_gene_SRP009615) ## ----"row_ranges"------------------------------------------------------------- ## Number of genes by number of samples dim(rse_gene_SRP009615) ## Information about the genes rowRanges(rse_gene_SRP009615) ## ----"recount3_meta_cols"----------------------------------------------------- ## Sample metadata recount3_cols <- colnames(colData(rse_gene_SRP009615)) ## How many are there? length(recount3_cols) ## View the first few ones head(recount3_cols) ## Group them by source recount3_cols_groups <- table(gsub("\\..*", "", recount3_cols)) ## Common sources and number of columns per source recount3_cols_groups[recount3_cols_groups > 1] ## Unique columns recount3_cols_groups[recount3_cols_groups == 1] ## ----"explore_all", eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------- # ## Explore them all # recount3_cols ## ----"expand attributes"------------------------------------------------------ rse_gene_SRP009615_expanded <- expand_sra_attributes(rse_gene_SRP009615) colData(rse_gene_SRP009615_expanded)[, ncol(colData(rse_gene_SRP009615)):ncol(colData(rse_gene_SRP009615_expanded))] ## ----"raw_counts"------------------------------------------------------------- assayNames(rse_gene_SRP009615) ## ----"scaling_counts"--------------------------------------------------------- ## Once you have your RSE object, you can transform the raw coverage ## base-pair coverage counts using transform_counts(). ## For RPKM, TPM or read outputs, check the details in transform_counts(). assay(rse_gene_SRP009615, "counts") <- transform_counts(rse_gene_SRP009615) ## ----"rse_exon"--------------------------------------------------------------- ## Create a RSE object at the exon level rse_exon_SRP009615 <- create_rse( proj_info, type = "exon" ) ## Explore the resulting RSE exon object rse_exon_SRP009615 ## Explore the object dim(rse_exon_SRP009615) ## ----"exon_ranges"------------------------------------------------------------ ## Exon annotation information rowRanges(rse_exon_SRP009615) ## Exon ids are repeated because a given exon can be part of ## more than one transcript length(unique(rowRanges(rse_exon_SRP009615)$exon_id)) ## ----"exon_memory"------------------------------------------------------------ ## Check how much memory the gene and exon RSE objects use pryr::object_size(rse_gene_SRP009615) pryr::object_size(rse_exon_SRP009615) ## ----"rse_jxn"---------------------------------------------------------------- ## Create a RSE object at the exon-exon junction level rse_jxn_SRP009615 <- create_rse( proj_info, type = "jxn" ) ## Explore the resulting RSE exon-exon junctions object rse_jxn_SRP009615 dim(rse_jxn_SRP009615) ## Exon-exon junction information rowRanges(rse_jxn_SRP009615) ## Memory used pryr::object_size(rse_jxn_SRP009615) ## ----"BigWigURLs"------------------------------------------------------------- ## BigWig file names ## The full URL is stored in BigWigUrl basename(head(rse_gene_SRP009615$BigWigURL)) ## ----"BiocFileCache"---------------------------------------------------------- ## List the URLs of the recount3 data that you have downloaded recount3_cache_files() ## ----"remove_files", eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------- # ## Delete the recount3 files from your cache # recount3_cache_rm() # # ## Check that no files are listed # recount3_cache_files() ## ----createVignette, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------- # ## Create the vignette # library("rmarkdown") # system.time(render("recount3-quickstart.Rmd", "BiocStyle::html_document")) # # ## Extract the R code # library("knitr") # knit("recount3-quickstart.Rmd", tangle = TRUE) ## ----createVignette2---------------------------------------------------------- ## Clean up file.remove("quickstartRef.bib") ## ----reproduce1, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- ## Date the vignette was generated Sys.time() ## ----reproduce2, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- ## Processing time in seconds totalTime <- diff(c(startTime, Sys.time())) round(totalTime, digits = 3) ## ----reproduce3, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Session info library("sessioninfo") options(width = 120) session_info() ## ----vignetteBiblio, results = 'asis', echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE--------------------------------- ## Print bibliography bibliography()