Changes in version 0.99.0 (2019-05-15) + Submitted to Bioconductor Changes in version 0.99.4 (2020-01-21) + The package no longer relies on seqinr, now operates only with Biostrings functions and variables + The Title and the Description have been updated to be more precise in describing the package. + Despcritional comments have been added to all codes. + The sWeeP functions now accept AAStringset as well file names as a valid entry + The sWeeP function now uses an S4 Generic and S4 methods + The user input variable baseMatrix has now a validating step on the code + The sWeeP function now uses Biostrings::readAAStringSet for FASTA input. + All functions now only use message(...) to communicate with users. + All 1:length(...) instances have been replaced with seq_len + On all codes, the function tidy_source() from the formatR package has been used to standardizing code formating. + All operations that do not affect have to the package working been removed. + Some functions and variables naming has been changed aiming to follow the lowerCamelCase convention (the sWeeP function still as it's, due it is the method initials) + aa2int() has been replaced by a vector inside the aa2num2() + The data set datastring has been removed. + fas2mat receives now an AAStringSet as entry + Instead of reading the R object datastring and writing it as a FASTA file, a FASTA file has been included directly in inst/extdata/ + A bigger FASTA has been used in the "Quick Start" section + All non-R package source files have been removed Changes in version 0.99.5 (2020-01-21) + An even bigger FASTA has been used in the "Quick Start" section Changes in version 0.99.6 (2020-01-21) + Error removed Changes in version 0.99.7 (2020-01-21) + Warning removed Changes in version 0.99.12 (2020-02-08) + 2000+ sequences multifasta error removed