Changes in version 0.99 QFeatures 0.99.4 - Fix: improved nNA with new implementation and additional unit tests <2020-10-23 Fri> QFeatures 0.99.3 - New feature: the longFormat function returns a long DataFrame with quantitative data along with metadata (see #116) <2020-10-8 Thu> - New feature: the rowData method returns a list containing the rowData for all assays (see #86) <2020-09-16 Wed> - Keep colnames when reading a single column assay (see #108) <2020-09-09 Wed> QFeatures 0.99.2 - Added infIsNA. - Add Christophe Vanderaa as an author. QFeatures 0.99.1 - Address comments Bioconductor review (see submission issue for details. QFeatures 0.99.0 - Bioconductor submission