--- title: "brgedata -- data R package with three omic data-set and exposome data-set from the same Spanish pupulation" author: - name: Carles Hernandez-Ferrer affiliation: - &isg Barcelona Institute for Global Health - name: Carlos Ruiz-Arenas affiliation: *isg - name: Juan R. Gonzalez affiliation: *isg email: juanr.gonzalez@isglobal.org date: "`r doc_date()`" package: "`r pkg_ver('brgedata')`" output: BiocStyle::html_document abstract: | This document indicates the different data-sets included in `brgedata`. The description includes the technology used to create the and the number of samples and features in each one. vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{brgedata -- data R package with three omic data-set and exposome data-set from the same Spanish pupulation} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- # Getting started `brgedata` includes a collection of BRGE omic and exposome data from the same cohort. The diferent objects guarantees a minimum of samples in common between all sets. Data available in this R package: | Data Type | Number of Samples | Number of Features | Technology | Object Name | Class | | :------------ | ----------------: | -----------------: | :------------------------------ | :----------- | :---------------- | | Exposome | 110 | 15 | | `brge_expo` | [`ExposomeSet`](https://github.com/isglobal-brge/rexposome) | | Transcriptome | 75 | 67528 | Affymetrix HTA 2.0 | `brge_gexp` | [`ExpressionSet`](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/Biobase.html) | | Methylome | 20 | 392277 | Illumina Human Methylation 450K | `brge_methy` | [`GenomicRatioSet`](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/minfi.html) | | Proteome | 90 | 47 | | `brge_prot` | [`ExpressionSet`](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/Biobase.html) | `sex` and `age` was included as phenotipic data in each set. Moreover, the `ExposomeSet` includes *asthma status* and *rhinitis status* of each sample. # Data Resources ## Exposome Data To load the **exposome data**, stored in an `ExposomeSet`, run the follow commands: ```{r load_exposome, message=FALSE} data("brge_expo", package = "brgedata") brge_expo ``` The summary of the data contained by `brge_expo`: | Data Type | Number of Samples | Number of Features | Technology | Object Name | Class | | :------------ | ----------------: | -----------------: | :------------------------------ | :----------- | :---------------- | | Exposome | 110 | 15 | | `brge_expo` | [`ExposomeSet`](https://github.com/isglobal-brge/rexposome) | ## Transcriptome Data To load the **transcriptome data**, saved in an `ExpressionSet`, run the follow commands: ```{r load_transcriptome, message=FALSE} data("brge_gexp", package = "brgedata") brge_gexp ``` The summary of the data contained by `brge_gexp`: | Data Type | Number of Samples | Number of Features | Technology | Object Name | Class | | :------------ | ----------------: | -----------------: | :------------------------------ | :----------- | :---------------- | | Transcriptome | 75 | 67528 | Affymetrix HTA 2.0 | `brge_gexp` | [`ExpressionSet`](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/Biobase.html) | ## Methylome Data To load the **methylation data**, encapsulated in a `GenomicRatioSet`, run the follow commands: ```{r load_methylome, message=FALSE} data("brge_methy", package = "brgedata") brge_methy ``` The summary of the data contained by `brge_methy`: | Data Type | Number of Samples | Number of Features | Technology | Object Name | Class | | :------------ | ----------------: | -----------------: | :------------------------------ | :----------- | :---------------- | | Methylome | 20 | 392277 | Illumina Human Methylation 450K | `brge_methy` | [`GenomicRatioSet`](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/minfi.html) | ## Proteome Data To load the **protein data**, stored in an `ExpressionSet`, run the follow commands: ```{r load_proteome, message=FALSE} data("brge_prot", package = "brgedata") brge_prot ``` The summary of the data contained by `brge_prot`: | Data Type | Number of Samples | Number of Features | Technology | Object Name | Class | | :------------ | ----------------: | -----------------: | :------------------------------ | :----------- | :---------------- | | Proteome | 90 | 47 | | `brge_prot` | [`ExpressionSet`](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/Biobase.html) | # Session info {.unnumbered} ```{r sessionInfo, echo=FALSE} sessionInfo() ```