%\VignetteIndexEntry{gaia} %\VignetteDepends{} %\VignetteKeywords{CGH Analysis} %\VignettePackage{gaia} \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[colorlinks=true]{hyperref} \hypersetup{ bookmarksnumbered=true, linkcolor=black, citecolor=black, pagecolor=black, urlcolor=black, } %opening \title{GAIA: Genomic Analysis of Important Aberrations} \author{Sandro Morganella \and Stefano Maria Pagnotta \and Michele Ceccarelli} \date{} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{Overview} A current challenge in biology is the characterization of genetic mutations that occur as response to a particular disease. Development of array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) technology has been a very important step in genomic mutation analysis, indeed, it enables copy number measurement in hundreds of thousands of genomic points (called markers or probes). Despite the high resolution of aCGH, accurate analysis of these data is yet a challenge. In particular a major difficulty in mutation identification is the distinction between driver mutations (that play a fundamental role in cancer progression) and passenger mutations (which are random alterations with no selective advantages). This document describes classes and functions of GAIA (Genomic Analysis of Important Aberrations) package. GAIA uses a statistical framework based on a conservative permutation test allowing the estimation of the probability distribution of the contemporary mutations expected for non-driver markers. Afterwards, the computed probability distribution and the observed data are used to assess the statistical significance (in terms of $q$-value) of each marker. Finally an iterative \lq\lq peel-off\rq\rq~procedure is used to identify the most significant independent regions which have a high probability to correspond to driver mutations.\\\\ GAIA algorithm is carefully described in \cite{Morganella_2011}. \section{Installation} Install GAIA on your computer by using the following command: \begin{verbatim} if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("gaia") \end{verbatim} GAIA package can be loaded in R by using the following command: <>= library(gaia) @ \section{Package Dependencies} In order to use GAIA you need of the R package {\ttfamily qvalue} available at the bioconductor repository.\\ Note that by using the installation command {\ttfamily BiocManager::install} the {\ttfamily qvalue} dependency is automatically fulfilled. In contrast if GAIA has been manually installed (e.g. using {\ttfamily R CMD INSTALL} command) you can install {\ttfamily qvalue} package by the following command: \begin{verbatim} if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("qvalue") \end{verbatim} \section{Vega Data Description} \label{dataDescription} In this section the data object used by GAIA will be described. This description will be supported by the data provided in GAIA package. \subsection{Marker Descriptor Matrix} \label{dataDescription_markers} This matrix contains all needed informations about the observed markers (also called probes). This matrix has a row for each marker and each marker is described by a set of column reporting the name of the probe and its genomic position. In particular the matrix has the following columns: \begin{description} \item[Probe Name]: The name of the observed probe; \item[Chromosome]: The chromosome where the probe is located; \item[Start]: The genomic position (in bp) where the probe starts; \item[End]: The genomic position (in bp) where the probe ends; \end{description} The column specifying the \textbf{End} position is optional and when it is missed, start and end positions are considered to be coincident. This is the case of the data provided within the package. In order to load the marker descriptor matrix provided in GAIA use the following command: <>= data(synthMarkers_Matrix) @ This marker descriptor matrix simulates the genomic position for the probes of $24$ chromosomes (each chromosome has $1000$ probes). Chromosomes $23$ and $24$ represents sex chromosomes $X$ and $Y$ respectively. \subsection{Aberrant Region Descriptor Matrix} \label{dataDescription_region} This matrix contains all needed informations about the observed aberrant regions.This matrix has a row for each aberrant region and each of them is described by the following columns: \begin{description} \item[Sample Name]: The name of the sample in which the aberrant region is observed; \item[Chromosome]: The chromosome where the aberrant region is located; \item[Start]: The genomic position (in bp) where the aberrant region starts; \item[End]: The genomic position (in bp) where the aberrant region ends; \item[Num of Markers]: The number of markers contained in the aberrant region; \item[Aberration]: An integer indicating the kind of the mutation. \end{description} The column \textbf{Aberration} can assume only integer values in the range $0,\cdots,K-1$ where $K$ is the number of considered aberrations. For example if we are considering loss, LOH and gain mutations than the only valid values for the column \textbf{Aberration} are $0$, $1$ and $2$. In order to load the aberrant region descriptor matrix use the following command: <>= data(synthCNV_Matrix) @ This aberrant region descriptor matrix simulates $10$ samples for the chromosomes described by {\ttfamily synthMarkers\_Matrix}. A summary of the aberrant regions contained in this matrix follows: \begin{table}[h] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline Chromosome & Frequency Percentage & Start & End & Aberration Kind \\ \hline\hline 1 & 100\% & 301 & 700 & 0 \\ \hline 2 & 80\% & 301 & 700 & 0 \\ \hline 3 & 60\% & 301 & 700 & 0 \\ \hline 4 & 40\% & 301 & 700 & 0 \\ \hline 5 & 20\% & 301 & 700 & 0 \\ \hline 10 & 100\% & 1 & 700 & 1 \\ \hline 11 & 80\% & 1 & 700 & 1 \\ \hline 12 & 60\% & 1 & 700 & 1 \\ \hline 13 & 40\% & 1 & 700 & 1 \\ \hline 14 & 20\% & 1 & 700 & 1 \\ \hline 20 & 100\% & 801 & 1000 & 2 \\ \hline 21 & 80\% & 801 & 1000 & 2 \\ \hline 22 & 60\% & 801 & 1000 & 2 \\ \hline 23 & 40\% & 801 & 1000 & 2 \\ \hline 24 & 20\% & 801 & 1000 & 2 \\\hline \end{tabular} \caption{{\ttfamily synthMarkers\_Matrix}: Aberrant Region Detail. The column \textbf{Frequency Percentage} reports the percentage of samples containing the indicated aberration.}\label{tab:aberrant_reg_detail} \end{table} \subsection{Real aCGH Datset} \label{real_dataset} In GAIA a real aCGH dataset is also provided, in the next we provide a brief description of this dataset. Raw data were preprocessed by PennCNV tool \cite{WangPennCNV_2007} and segmented by using Vega R/Bioconductor package \cite{Morganella_2010}. \subsubsection{Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Dataset} \label{crc} CRC dataset is composed by 30 samples hybridized on SNP 250k Affymetrix GeneChip array \cite{Venkatachalam2010}. Raw data are available in GEO with identifier GSE13429. Patients of this dataset were diagnosed with microsatellite-stable CRC without polyposis. In order to run GAIA on this dataset both aberrant region descriptor matrix ({\ttfamily crc}) and marker descriptor matrix ({\ttfamily crc\_markers}) are provided. \section{Function Description} \label{functionDescription} In this section all exported functions of GAIA package are described. GAIA works on aCGH data in which hundreds of thousands probes are contemporary observed, so the data loading phase can be very time consuming. For this reason in GAIA two data loading functions are provided (see Sections \ref{functionDescription_loadMarkers} and \ref{functionDescription_loadCNV}). By using this functions the users can load just one time the data and save they into data objects that can be used for several GAIA executions. \subsection{{\ttfamily load\_markers}} \label{functionDescription_loadMarkers} This function builds the marker descriptor object used in GAIA from a marker matrix as described in Section \ref{dataDescription_markers}: <>= markers_obj <- load_markers(synthMarkers_Matrix) @ The {\ttfamily marker\_obj} provides an easy access to the data informations contained in the marker matrix and and it is organized as a list: the element {\ttfamily marker\_obj[[i]]} contains the descriptions of all observed markers for the $i$-th chromosome and it is organized as a matrix of dimension $2\times M$ ($M$ is the number of observed probes for the $i$-th chromosome). First and second row of this matrix contains start and end position respectively. \subsection{{\ttfamily load\_cnv}} \label{functionDescription_loadCNV} This function builds the aberrant region descriptor object used in GAIA by using both the region matrix described in Section \ref{dataDescription_region} and the marker descriptor object created by the function {\ttfamily load\_markers}, in addition the number of the analyzed samples must be passed as argument: <>= cnv_obj <- load_cnv(synthCNV_Matrix, markers_obj, 10) @ The {\ttfamily cnv\_obj} is organized as a double list: the element {\ttfamily cnv\_obj[[j]][[i]]} contains the informations about the $j$-th aberration of the $i$-th chromosome. In particular {\ttfamily cnv\_obj[[j]][[i]]} is a matrix of dimension $N\times M$ where $N$ is the number of samples (in the example $10$) and $M$ the the number of observed probes for the $i$-th chromosome. The element {\ttfamily cnv\_obj[[j]][[i]][n,m]} is equal to $1$ if in the marker $m$ of the chromosome $i$ a mutation of kind $j$ is observed, it is equal to $0$ otherwise. \subsection{{\ttfamily runGAIA}} \label{functionDescription_GAIA} This is the core function of the package, indeed it allows to execute GAIA algorithm. In particular {\ttfamily runGAIA} has the following header:\\\\{\ttfamily runGAIA(cnv\_obj, markers\_obj, output\_file\_name="", aberrations = -1,\\chromosomes = -1, num\_iterations = 10, threshold = 0.25)} \begin{description} \item[{\ttfamily cnv\_obj}]: The aberrant region descriptor object created by using the function {\ttfamily load\_cnv} (see Section \ref{functionDescription_loadCNV}); \item[{\ttfamily markers\_obj}]: The marker descriptor object created by the function\\{\ttfamily load\_markers} (see Section \ref{functionDescription_loadMarkers}); \item[{\ttfamily output\_file\_name}]: (default \lq\lq\rq\rq) The file name used to save the significant aberrant regions. If this argument is not specified the results will be not saved into a file; \item[{\ttfamily aberrations}]: (default $-1$) The aberrations that will be analyzed. The default value $-1$ indicates that all aberration will be analyzed; \item[{\ttfamily chromosomes}]: (default $-1$) The chromosomes that will be to analyzed. The default value $-1$ indicates that all chromosomes will be analyzed; \item[{\ttfamily num\_iterations}]: (default $10$) if the number of permutation steps (if approximation is equal to -1) - the number of column of the approximation matrix (if approximation is different to -1); \item[{\ttfamily threshold}]: (default $0.25$) Markers having $q$-values lower than this threshold are labeled as significantly aberrant. This parameter must be a real number in the range $0-1$; \item[{\ttfamily hom\_threshold}]: (default $0.12$) Threshold used in homogeneous peel-off (for more detail see Section \ref{hom_peeloff}). This parameter must be a real number in the range $0-1$ and by using values lower than $-1$ homogeneous peel-off is disabled and standard peel-off procedure is used; \item[{\ttfamily approximation}]: (default=FALSE) if approximation is FALSE then GAIA explicitly performs the permutations, if it is TRUE then GAIA uses an approximated approach to compute the null distribution. \end{description} Suppose that we want to analyze all aberrations and all chromosomes and that we want to save the results within the file CompleteResults.txt, than we use the following command: <>= results <- runGAIA(cnv_obj, markers_obj, "CompleteResults.txt") @ Both in the file CompleteResults.txt and in the matrix variable {\ttfamily results} we can found all significant aberrant regions. In particular the following column are used to describe each significant aberrant region: \begin{description} \item[Chromosome]: The chromosome where the aberrant region is located; \item[Aberration Kind]: An integer indicating the kind of the mutation; \item[Region Start [bp]]: The genomic position (in bp) where the aberrant region starts; \item[Region End [bp]]: The genomic position (in bp) where the aberrant region ends; \item[Region Size [bp]]: The size (in bp) of the aberrant region; \item[q-value]: The estimated $q$-value for the aberrant region. \end{description} So with the following command we print the significant aberrant regions having the minimum $q$-values: <>== results[which(results[,6]==min(results[,6])),] @ Suppose now that we want to analyze only the aberration $1$ on the chromosomes $10$, $11$ and $14$ and that we want to save the results within the file Results.txt. In addition we increase the significance threshold value from $0.25$ to $0.5$, than we use the following command: <>= results <- runGAIA(cnv_obj, markers_obj, "Results.txt", aberrations=1, chromosomes=c(10, 11, 14), threshold=0.5) @ \section{Homogeneous Peel-off} \label{hom_peeloff} In GAIA a new peel-off procedure, called homogeneous, is available. By usinh homogeneous peel-off significant regions are detected by using both statistical significance and within-sample homogeneity, so that more accurate results can be obtained. Homogeneous peel-off is disabled for values lower than 0. Homogeneous peel-off can be used only if two kinds of aberrations are observed. In the next we show as homogeneous peel-off can be used on CRC dataset. The first step is composed by the loading of the data and the creation of the respective markers and aberrant regions descriptor objects: <>= data(crc_markers) data(crc) crc_markers_obj <- load_markers(crc_markers) crc_cnv_obj <- load_cnv(crc, crc_markers_obj, 30) @ Now we can run GAIA with homogeneous pee-off on the chromosome 14 by using the suggested value for {\ttfamily hom\_threshold} of $0.12$: <>= res <- runGAIA(crc_cnv_obj, crc_markers_obj, "crcResults.txt", chromosomes=14, hom_threshold=0.12) @ Results of the computation are saved in the file crcResults.txt \section{Run GAIA with Approximation} \label{gaia_approximation} In GAIA a new approach to compute the null distribution is available. This approach performs an approximation of the permutations. In particular, after computed the frequency of alteration for each sample $\theta_j$, GAIA simulates a matrix with dimension $N\times K$ ($N$ is the number of samples and $K$ is the number of performed approximation) where each column is a vector in which the element $j$ has a probability for drawing $1$ equal to $\theta_j$. This asymptotically approximates the original simulation when $M\rightarrow\infty$ and since $M$ is large enough, it is well approximated in practice. So we suggest to use this approach in high resolution scenario. With the following command we run GAIA in its approximated version on all chromosomes by performing $K=5000$ approximations. <>= res <- runGAIA(crc_cnv_obj, crc_markers_obj, "crc_approx_Results.txt", hom_threshold=0.12, num_iterations=5000, approximation=TRUE) @ Results of the computation are saved in the file crcResults.txt \section{Integration of GAIA and Integrative Genomics Viewer} \label{gaia_igv} The Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) \cite{IGV} is a high-performance visualization tool for interactive exploration of large, integrated datasets. It supports a wide variety of data types including sequence alignments, microarrays, and genomic annotations. From version 1.5 GAIA produces in output a \lq\lq.gistic\rq\rq file that can be loaded in IGV so that computed $q$-values for all analyzed chromosomes can be plotted. \begin{thebibliography}{} \bibitem{Morganella_2011} Morganella,S. \textit{et al}. (2010) Finding recurrent copy number alterations preserving within-sample homogeneity. \emph{Bioinformatics}, DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btr488. \bibitem{Venkatachalam2010} Venkatachalam,R. {\it et~al}. (2010) Identification of candidate predisposing copy number variants in familial and early-onset colorectal cancer patients. \textit{Int. J. Cancer}. \bibitem{Astolfi2010} Astolfi,A. {\it et~al}. (2010) A molecular portrait of gastrointestinal stromal tumors: an integrative analysis of gene expression profiling and high-resolution genomic copy number. \textit{Laboratory Investigation} \textbf{90}(9), 1285-1294. \bibitem{Morganella_2010} Morganella,S. \textit{et al}. (2010) VEGA: variational segmentation for copy number detection. \emph{Bioinformatics} \textbf{26}(25), 3020-3027. \bibitem{WangPennCNV_2007} Wang,K. {\it et~al}. (2007) PennCNV: an integrated hidden Markov model designed for high-resolution copy number variation detection in whole-genome SNP genotyping data. \textit{Genome Research} \textbf{17}, 1665-1674. \bibitem{IGV} Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV): \url{http://www.broadinstitute.org/software/igv/home} \end{thebibliography} \end{document}