Changes in version 2.4.12 BUG FIXES - Fix issue reversed colors in somaticInteractions. Setting limitColorBreaks = TRUE by default for the fix. Issue: 589 - Fix issue with non-numeiric error in math.score. Issue: 429 - Fix issue with zcat for file names with spaces. Let data.table deal with it. Issue: 574 - Fix margins in tcgaCompare. Issue: 573 - Fix labels in somaticInteractions. Issue: 569 - Clinical features with same labels are colored similarly in Oncoplot. Issue: 567 - Legend Ordering Not Intuitive. Issue: 424 - avoid in place conversions of data.frames while reading with read.maf. Issue: 432 593 ENHANCEMENTS - Added bands argument to gisticOncoPlot. Issue: 579 - Added ranges argument to subsetMaf. Issue: 571 - Added barcodeSrt, annoBorderCol arguments to oncoplot. Issue: 564 565 - Added minMut argument to oncoplot. Issue: 549 Changes in version 2.4.05 BUG FIXES - Bugfix in annotation legend order in oncoplot. Issue: 541 - Error in plotCBSsegments. Issue: 539 - merge_mafs bug fix due to discrepancy in column names. Issue: 538 - readGistic TCGA sample names bug fix. Issue: 536 - Highlight most significant entry when a variants overlaps with multiple CNV regions Issue: 524 - genesToBarcodes sample selection fix - coOncoplot bug fix with showSampleNames argument. Issue: 306 - removeNonMutated bug fix with oncoplot argument. Issue: 530 ENHANCEMENTS - Make flags internal function with top 100 genes. Issue: 542 - Add legend to gisticBubblePlot. Issue: 544 - Add bgCol and borderCol to gisticOncoPlot. Issue: #533 - Allow multiple CN types in oncoplot Issue: #490 - Allow getSampleSummary to include non mutated samples Issue: #527 - Added color argument to plotVaf for manual color codes Issue: #531 - Added rm_zero argument to tcgaCompare Changes in version 2.4.00 BUG FIXES - lollipopPlot2 error with zero mutation Issue: #480 - inferHeterogeneity PR #473 - oncoplot cnv crosses border #472 - Avoid wrongly naming columns in annovarToMaf Issue: #457 - Duplicated color code Issue: #452 - oncoplot with exprsTbl leads to wrong alignment Issue: #451 - plotMafSummary with single sample Issue: #449 - Avoid empty spaces and quoates while reading funcotator MAF Issue: #403 #397 ENHANCEMENTS - OncogenicPathways improvements Issue: #505 - Added showSum, colNC, nShiftSymbols, sigSymbolsSize, sigSymbolsFontSize, pvSymbols arguments to somaticInteractions PR: #505 Thanks zmiimz - Added anno_height, drawBox, drawExtraBar arguments to oncoplot PR: #501 Thanks Kai Gu - Added decreasing argument to tcgaComapre Issue: #497 - Added startgain and startlost to annovarToMaf Issue: #487 - y_lims argument in gisticChromPlot Issue: #485 - Added support for highlighting multiple additionalFeatures Issue: #476 - Pairwise t-test and mutational load in tcgaCompare Issue: #453 - Added titleText argument to oncoplot Issue: #448 - Highlight mutated genes on gisticChromplot Issue: #443 - Added legend_height argument to oncoplot Issue: #346 - Added bgBorderCol domainBorderCol showLegend argument to lollipopPlot NEW FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES - tmb Simple tumor mutation burden estimation function. - setdiffMAF and intersectMAF. Set operations for MAF files. PR: #508 Thanks Shixiang Wang - tcgaDriverBP Compare genes to known TCGA drivers and their biological pathways - vafCompare plots vaf distribution of target genes from two cohorts Issue: #495 - coBarplot side-by-side barplot for maf comparison Issue: #486 - Group genes in oncoplot by specific pathways. This can be done by setting pathways = 'auto' or by providing a two column data.frame/tsv-file with Gene names and their corresponding pathway belongings. - Oncoplot gains rightBarData and leftBarData arguments for user specific side bar plots. - Default flatUI colors for lollipop plots Deprecated - geneCloud and pancanComparison