\name{frenchFISHnews} \title{News for Package \pkg{frenchFISH}} \encoding{UTF-8} \section{Version 0.99.7}{\itemize{ \item Added convertFishalyserCsvToCountMatrix function to convert the CSV count output of the FISHalyseR Bioconductor package to a probe count matrix suitable for frenchFISH's getAutomaticCountsEstimates function. Updated vignette to reflect this addition. }} \section{Version 0.99.5}{\itemize{ \item Subscribed to bioc-devel. }} \section{Version 0.99.5}{\itemize{ \item Added seed-setting explanation in vignette and slightly changed the readme. }} \section{Version 0.99.4}{\itemize{ \item Changed accepted input data structure for area probe counts from a dataframe to a matrix. }}